In an attempt to get back in the habit of writing I am going to try and blog more to help combat the writer's block.
So I'm on a health kick, again! My boss goes to a gym and they are doing a smaller version of the biggest looser and she asked if I wanted to do it with her, so I said yes. Yesterday was my first session with a private trainer. I tknow that I will be happy with the hard work later, but man does my legs and arms hurt. I've never done weight training before so it's really getting to my legs and arms but as I say it is worth the end result.
xtown_traffic and I are going to a blues and blueberry festival in Norcross today, We are looking forward to one of the local blues bands called Travel by Train. Hopefully it will be a fun day, to bad Tazie can't go with us.
I'm sure I will post pictures later.