Recent inventions.

Jul 17, 2012 22:35

Items from Chuck Shepherd’s Jul 15, 2012 News of the Weird column.

...(1) Researchers at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Information Science and Technology have developed goggles that can enlarge the image of a bite of food so that the eater might fool himself into thinking he has consumed more than he has (and thus, that his hunger might dissipate sooner).

The software is so sophisticated, they said, that the food carrier (a fork, or the eater’s hand) is not transformed and appears at normal size.

In basic tests, according to a June Agence France-Presse report, a 50 percent increase in imagined cookie size reduced actual consumption by 9 percent...

Well, it’s certainly more high-tech than putting your meal on a smaller plate. Also, it made me think of this:

...(2) Prolific inventor Nobuhiro Takahashi announced in May that he had created a silicone-and-foam “buttocks robot” that can clench, twitch or protrude when probed (primarily for training proctology students to deal with patient anxiety).


I think I’ll just leave it at that.

tv: little britain, your gutter mind is not my problem, images, torchwood giggle syndrome, screencaps, torchwood gutter mind, fun, humor, science!

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