SQUEE! warning: excessive fangirl squee ahead! Sensitive readers have been warned. (This could mean you, Dear :) )
I'm trying something new. I used Macintosh Preview to make screenshots from the show off Youtube.
I'm not particularly fond of Graham Norton -- a little bodily-function-centric for my tastes :P -- but this episode was often funny, and besides, it has David Tennant in it. *Squees* (It's probably edited for BBC America, which might not be a bad thing.)
This particular show was apparently taped just before Season Three of Doctor Who premiered.
A few highlights(and lowlights?)
David drives a Skoda(or was at the time -- see Top Gear review to follow).
The TARDIS actually folds up like a moving box for transport. It's not easy to put up again.
During filming, David and John Barrowman had farting competitions in the TARDIS between takes. Once they realized that Freema Agyeman didn't like it, they stepped up their efforts.
Unlike his Time Lord counterpart(IMHO), David Tennant evidently doesn't embarrass easily. Graham Norton produced a bizarre personals ad on behalf of David (at least he didn't use his name) which resulted in one response. (I guess it could all have been a set-up, but maybe not ...) Not only did David strike this "sexy pose" for Graham to photograph and send via cellphone to the guy ...
Look at that tongue! *squeee*
... but he then answered the guy's not-very-nice text message by calling him back on the show. (Not on his own cell, though.) Getting his voicemail, David left his own message:
" ... this is the Doctor. You had your chance, you blew it!"
David was thrilled that the Proclaimers would be performing on the show. He'd been "devastated" to find that, when he showed up to appear in a video they were making, they'd already taped their bit and left, so he hadn't been able to meet them. He admitted to being "overexcited" at having a second chance to do so. Graham promptly informed him that the band had, well, taped their bit earlier and left.
"I wouldn't have a sense of humor about that!"
Fortunately, Graham was just having a bit of fun.
Finally, a fan from the audience was invited to come on stage. Graham had a bit of fun with her as well, but she didn't seem to mind under the circumstances(David Tennant up close!).
Graham: "Would you like to meet David Tennant?"
Darcy(thinking): Who, me?
Darcy(thinking): YEAH!!
David gave her a kiss on the cheek. (you lucky sod)
And, her reaction:
(first time I'd ever heard someone actually "squee!")
And then she got to go inside the TARDIS.
Not the real one, darn it.
On the other hand ...
... A fake TARDIS is, of course, as small on the inside as out. (Graham proceeded to close her in and have everyone but him sneak out.) So ... why didn't she ask him to send David in? Wouldn't you?
To see the actual show, watch your local listings, or check out the clips on Youtube. (You didn't hear that from me.)