Feb 20, 2011 14:55
So I was sitting here, doing an online jigsaw in an effort to not think about the perfectly doable housework that I'd take care of in a couple of hours if I could only shake off the mental inertia, when a fic started writing itself in my head. It's one I started after seeing the Doctor Who episode "Midnight" for the first time, which was in its first run on BBC America, so a very long time ago. I ended up shelving it in my INACTIVE folder with about eight other fics to keep it company.
Now it's shoved everything else -- including a much more recent fic I'm trying to finish -- out of my head. And it's reminded me of an icon I've seem around, with a tiny adorable bunny and the caption, "Write me, bitch." Maybe I need a macro of that?
writer's block,
tv: doctor who,
character: tenth doctor,
character: donna noble,