Male tricolored blackbird, banded for identification, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, Delano, California, USA
Photo by Geoffrey Grigsdale/USFWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service website: Thousands of tricolored blackbirds nest on California wildlife refuges (story and more pics) 2.
Hummingbird chicks, California Wildlife Center, Calabasas, California, USA
California Wildlife Center Photo Gallery (many more pics of rescued wildlife) 3.
Male northern cardinal
Toby’s Tales Facebook 4.
Black guillemot chick, Eastern Brothers Island, Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge, Maine, USA
Summer With the Seabirds Wordpress: Meet Barnabas Beal Guillemot (story) 5.
Great horned owl, Blue Ridge Wildlife Center, Boyce, Virginia, USA
Blue Ridge Wildlife Center Facebook 6.
Domestic pigeon chick
Photo by Leena at Flickr 7.
Male scarlet tanager with injured wing, Blue Ridge Wildlife Center, Boyce, Virginia, USA
Blue Ridge Wildlife Center Facebook 8.
Black Lace Silver Wyandotte chick Cleo, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Spy Garden Blog: Happy Easter 2017! (more pics) 9.
Spoon-billed sandpiper chick, Meinopilginor, Russia
Waderworld Blogspot: 2011=A Year with Spoon Billed Sandpipers. (more pics) 10.
Catalina macaw Sparky
Reddit: Sparky isn’t normally a very cuddly bird, but he certainly has his moments Also posted to
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