Mallard siblings preening together after a swim, Kyoto, Japan
Gendou loves Ducklings (more pics of the ducklings with their mother) 2.
Click to view
Video clip, from the BBC’s 2007 film Earth, is one minute, fifty-four seconds
Click to view
Video is forty-three seconds
Mallard shelters her baby from the rain
Photo by Chris Bosak 5.
Topper keeping a close eye on Lola, who laid her eggs in the stable, as she passes by with her dozen ducklings, Milland, England
Horse adopts family of ducklings 6.
At Vine, with sound 7.
Imgur: Ducks on cat. (more pics) 8.
Rescued mallards
California Wildlife Center 9.
A newly hatched goldeneye duckling catches an early snack in the nest, Scandinavia
GIF by Head Like An OrangeAll of the ducklings, less than a day old, follow their mother out of the nest; unable to fly yet, they face a long drop to the forest floor, in
this three-minute video clip, “Ducklings Take a Leap of Faith,” from the series Nordic Wild, at National Geographic Channel’s website 10.
Tumblr: one time a duckling fell asleep in my frocket and it was the cutest thing ever 11.
Mallard with one of her brood of eight, Spain
Tumblr (many more pics of the family) 12.
Click to view
Video is seven minutes
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