Virginia opossum joey
Wildlife Rescue Nests 2.
Strawberry hermit crab, Lakshadweep Islands, off the southwestern coast of India
Photo by Alex (Exitialis at DeviantArt) 3.
Aluna, a Kirk’s dik-dik being raised by the curator of mammals at Chester Zoo in England
Photo by Phil Noble
Tiny Dik-dik Antelope Makes a Big Impact at Chester Zoo (lots more photos of this cutie pie) 4.
Barney, a one-week-old veiled chameleon
Imgur: Barney the Hateful Veiled Chameleon (more photos of the grumpiest chameleon ever) 5.
Imgur: BEWARE 6.
Click to view
Asian elephant calf, sanctuary for orphaned elephants in Cambodia; video is two minutes and forty-nine seconds
Gold dust day gecko, Hawaii
Photo by Pete Orelup 9.
Brown lemur Taj, with veterinarian Evan Antin
Evan Antin’s Instagram 10.
Cockatoo Valentine at the pet store
Captain-cockatoo’s Tumblr (two more GIFs) 11.
Tufted puffin, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California, USA
Photo by Coralie Mercier 12.
Violet, Anjellicle Cat Rescue in New York City, New York, USA
Reddit: This little guy looks pretty happy to be where he is. 14.
Los Angeles Zoo, Los Angeles, California, USA
Obvious Plant, by Jeff Wysaski 15.
Orange spotted filefish
EduPic 16.
Click to view
Snow leopards! Video is one minute and four seconds
Sea lion pup, Galapagos Islands
Photo by Ray Kent 18.
Wildlife Rescue Nests 19.
Baby corn snake
Imgur: Stealth noodle 20.
Rescued blossom bat pup, raised by Louise Saunders of Bat Conservation & Rescue Queensland; when old enough, she was released back into the wild
Meet Blossom the Baby Bat! (lots more photos of her)
Click to view
Video is two minutes and eleven seconds
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