Sea Otter Awareness Weekend

Sep 25, 2016 09:05


Adult sea otter Judge and pup Nuka meeting for the first time, Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport, Oregon, USA
Photo courtesy of Oregon Coast Aquarium


Sea otters frolicking off the California coast, USA
Photo by Lilian Carswell for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


Aquarist working with a sea otter, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California, USA
Photo by TerriAnn van Gosliga


A curious sea otter captivating visitors, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California, USA
Photo by Wiley C


Sea otter using a rock to smash open a marine snail for dinner, British Columbia, Canada
Photo by Erin Rechsteiner
The Quest for an Archaeology of Sea Otter Tool Use


Sea otter dining on a crab, Monterey Bay, Monterey, California, USA
Photo by Jim Capwell


Sea otter Milo chowing down on a sea urchin, Vancouver Aquarium, Vancouver, Canada
Photo by Neil Fisher

If you haven’t seen the 2007 video of Milo and his pal Nyac holding paws as they float peacefully at the aquarium, here’s a link: Otters holding paws (one minute and forty seconds, autoplay)


Sea otter pup exploring (its mother is nearby), Moss Landing, California, USA
Photo by Always a birder!


Sea otter Joy raising her adopted orphan pup, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California, USA
Photo courtesy of Monterey Bay Aquarium


Sleepy sea otter, Vancouver Aquarium, Vancouver, Canada
Photo by Christine Brassington


Happy sea otter, Alaska, USA
Photo by Matt Shelzer


Sea otter swimming backwards and looking rather smug about it, Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska, USA
Photo by Gary F. Peterson


Sea otters waving hello, Monterey Bay, Monterey, California, USA
Photo by Frans Lanting
10 Facts About Sea Otters


Sea otter looking silly, Elkhorn Slough, California, USA
Photo by Ron Eby
More Than Just Cute, Sea Otters are Superheroes of the Marsh


Sea otters hanging out in their exhibit, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California, USA
Photo courtesy of Monterey Bay Aquarium


A sea otter family of two adults and two pups, Morro Bay, California, USA
Photo by Mike Baird


Sea otter pup Oswald enjoying his butter clam, Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport, Oregon, USA
Photo courtesy of Oregon Coast Aquarium
Oregon Coast Aquarium’s Rescued Otter Pup Pops with Personality


Sea otter on the beach striking a pose
Photo by Mike Spinak


Sea otters having dinner while pesky gulls wait for scraps, Morro Bay, California, USA
Photo by Barbara Magnuson/Larry Kimball


Two sea otters holding paws while they nap, British Columbia, Canada
Photo by Fred Bruemmer

Also posted to randompictures and splodefromcute

animals: gulls, nature, animal babies, utterly cute, aquariums, animals, animals: birds, images, the ocean, monterey bay aquarium, animals: sea otters, lj comm: splodefromcute, wildlife, fun, lj comm: randompictures, animal education, humor

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