Two weeks...

Jul 31, 2014 06:04

...since the surgery. Sometimes it seems like two years.

I had my post-op appointment with the orthopedist on Monday. They took another X-ray and everything looks good. I bummed a copy of that one too. I haven't uploaded it yet, but am excited to. I hope part of the repair shows! (I'll get some images up here soon, I promise.)

The straps on the sling/immobilizer have stretched out a little -- not surprising, since I'm in it almost 24/7 -- so I tried to make some adjustments on Tuesday. Boy, was that ever a mistake. To start with, I had to (carefully) lift the arm out and prop it at the right height on a pillow on my lap. Then things got tricky.

The sling is well designed for holding everything securely in place, but not so well for actually making adjustments. The super-strong Velcro doesn't like to be separated from its substrate; when you detach it, it gets really lonely and immediately grabs on to whatever it can reach, like an orphaned baby koala. Trying to use my left hand and wrist while keeping the shoulder still and supported only added to the fun. The shoulder strap was too high, then it was too low, then the arm angle was wrong and ...GRRRR! By the time I'd gotten back to something that wasn't too bad, my shoulder was aching so badly, I couldn't tell if I'd improved the fit at all.

So B took me back to the orthopedist to get it refitted properly. It wasn't as off as I'd thought. I'm thinking of finding a way to mark some of the positions in case things stretch out any more.

I've gotten down on the meds a bit, but I still need to keep them on a regular schedule. As I start doing more things, I'm less stiff and less pain-conscious in general, but apparently it's still too early to go to "take as needed." And I need to keep icing (a lot) and not overdoing the lifting -- even with the other arm, because it's getting tired from its increased workload. I just want to go and DO STUFF, dammit :(

B remains awesome. He's still doing a ton of stuff so I don't have to struggle with it. I'm able to get the ice machine pad on and off on my own now -- or hook and unhook the hose, although that's difficult -- and even refresh the water in the tank, if tediously. I can even handle the childproof pill-bottle caps, if I need to. So B is going back to work some of the time. I can't drive yet, though. The sling's mandatory for another four weeks, and then I'll need to get some strength and range of motion back. So B and I will still be seeing a lot of each other. Not that there's anything wrong with that :)

I still need to sleep semi-upright, so am still camped out on the couch. But I feel safe enough on my own now that B's moved back to the bedroom. I may try experimenting with pillows and see if I can join him soon.

Missy's starting to figure out that if she wants me to pet her on the couch she has to get on my right side. I've got a pillow there now and sometimes she settles down on it. (I may need to buy more pillows.)

pets, god i feel old, cats: missy, cats, my b is being awesome again, hugs please?, in the forest the whiny forest, cats: my own, my world and welcome to it

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