My shoulder surgery is scheduled for the 16th. The doctor's office is setting up my pre-op appointment with the orthopaedist (also the surgeon), which will not be on the same day as the surgery. (They asked me for my preferred days and times.)
It's not a large tear and doesn't go all the way through the muscle (I'll talk about that more when I manage to post the X-ray, which is more complicated than I thought it would be), so it should be possible to repair arthroscopically. THANK GOD for that. The surgeon will go in with an arthroscopic camera and teeny tiny surgical instruments, and sew the muscle back together. He'll also shave off a bone spur, which is not a good thing to have in there. More details about rotator cuff surgery, if you're interested, are here:
OrthoInfo, Rotator Cuff Tears: Surgical Treatment Options.
It's an outpatient operation; the surgery takes about two hours, and I should be able to go home in another two hours. B will, of course, be driving me.
I should get a packet in the mail in the next few days. Among other things, it'll include a prescription for super duper pain meds. Oh boy.