Writing Analysis Meme

Jun 21, 2013 06:00

Ganked from lindahoyland. I tried this out on my fics.


I write like
Anne Rice
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!


I write like
J. D. Salinger
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

No Need

I write like
Stephenie Meyer
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!


I write like
James Joyce
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

The Oncoming Pun

I write like
H. P. Lovecraft
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

OK, that's an interesting assortment of styles. Just for grins, let's try the WIP meme.

I write like
Stephen King
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!


All right, then, let's see what it makes of some Drabble-matics!

The Battle for the Coffee Cup

I write like
Vladimir Nabokov
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

The Disheveled Stranger

I write like
Mario Puzo
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

A Hat in Time

I write like
Stephen King
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!


*throws up hands and walks away*

Edited to add this comment I made at lindahoyland's original post:

Here, I tried an experiment. First I got Anna Karenina off the shelf (blowing off a cloud of dust) and put in this sentence, from Chapter 31:

It was a stormy day; the rain fell all the morning, and the invalids with umbrellas thronged the gallery.

Result: Leo Tolstoy. OK, good. Then I had it analyze this:

Anna Karenina flew off in a spaceship.

Leo Tolstoy again.

Then, this:

Bilbo Baggins, Konstantin Levin and Humbert Humbert walked into a bar.

Result: Vladimir Nabokov. Damn, I think it reads more like Ernest Hemingway.

memes, fanfiction, fun, drabble-matic, humor

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