01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
03. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05. When others comment asking to
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1. If there's anything you could take back, what would it be?
2. Was what you felt for my mother anything like what you felt for Joey's mother?
3. How did it feel when you killed for the first time? (As a soldier.)
4. Why become a "gun for hire"?
5. What do you think of Robin? The current one?
And, yeah, Robin's got issues. What with everybody he cares about dying on him. You two might actually get along if he didn't hate your guts so much.
Now, if you're still talking about the double I am going to track down eventuallyand kill, slowly, painfully, and I can only hope repeatedly, then yes, he would.
And . . . *smirks mischievously* What was your first kiss like?
Why, exactly, do you think I'd get along well with the traumatized kid you're describing? I'm worried enough about what I'm hearing about what the Kid went through...
Thoughtful look. Naive. Young. About what you'd expect from a pair of forteen year olds in the late 1940s. Why?
Heh, heh. First kisses. I've been wishing lately that mine was with Bart.
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