Jan 19, 2005 23:58
You know what really bothers me? Feeling akward. I really wouldn't ever feel that way, but its so hard not to when people do that whole weird silence especially after you've said something you thought was important or just kind of personal, i always end up feeling like a dork for saying it in the first place.
I just always want to be able to talk and ramble about anything and not feel chronically akward for doing it.
Taking Ben to get his permit tomorrow, he's finally 16:) I'm so happy about that. He's sitting at his laptop with Zack and they are taking the practice tests together to see how he'll do. So cute.
Beth was really sweet tonight. I miss her already. Thought its only been a day. I want to see her a few more times before she goes off to Ghana, I really hope we can pull off our europe trip. That would be so amazing to do. I would also like to have one big get together before she goes, with Jack, Mike, the two of us, and anyone else we could find. I just want us to all be really close and have some really good *recent* memories before we all split off for the next few months. Not to mention college as of fall.
A whole new year. Its brought so many surprises. And I don't doubt that it will bring more surprises than any other year so far.
I just hope that most of them are pleasantly surprising rather then terribly shocking, I couldn't handle much more of the drama of the first twenty days of this year.