Oh my god I had to laugh when i saw
this article. I was going to write a post earlier today about things that annoy me, and the current biggest annoyance is the stupid horrible Toyota "Saved By Zero" ad campaign. I swear to god it's on during every commercial break all day on Q104.3. I've considered stopping listening to the radio entirely to just not have to hear it. Then I thought it was amusing that Jared, too, found it annoying. Well, apparently there are TONS of people who feel the same way! I might just have to join the Facebook group - lol.
Now that I seem to have started the "things that annoy me" post, the second big one is how yahoo mail suddenly went ad-happy. A constantly refreshing sidebar, text ads everywhere, and a big full page ad when a mailbox is empty. I purposely leave mail in my inbox to not deal with it. Fortunately I use Mail on my Mac at home to check email, but at work i use the yahoo web mail. oh well. At least it's not AOL :-P