my fictional road trip

May 20, 2010 14:45

Thank you, thank you to the anonymous commenters who have left me love from Sally Bowles, Peter Wimsey (with Harriet), and Granny Weatherwax (with Nanny Ogg). I don't know whether you get comment notifications on this, but I've tried to write back--though I can't possibly match your brilliantly in-character voices.

So, dear flist, instead of spending more time catching up on LJ right now, I'm off on a transtemporal road trip. First a visit to the Ramtop mountains to share scumble with Granny and Nanny, then a stop by the Kit Kat Club in Berlin. That will take me to the right era for my journey to Talboys, where I hope to spend the foreseeable future happily ensconced in a discreet liason with Peter and Harriet.


p.s. If anyone else wants to play, the thread is here:

my imaginary friends

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