Title: AutoBeserk’s twist
Rating: K
Characters: Soundwave, Megatron,
Universe: Generation 1
Summary: Auto Berserk: Instead of leaving Red Alert alone, Starscream carries Red Alert to the Decepticon base. Much to Soundwave’s displeasure.
Prompt #1 CHALLENGE - Choose a canon scene (any verse, any source), change one thing, retell it from a different character’s perspective.
In Decepticon headquarters, Soundwave was experiencing a novelty: a processor-ache. Dealing with his rambunctious cassettes, he could handle. Anticipating Starscream’s lackluster attempts to double-cross Megatron was child’s play. Taking care of Dead End or soothing the fried processors of an overworked paranoid Breakdown, that he left to their gestalts. Adding Red Alert to the mix, and NOTHING ran smoothly. Red Alert’s paranoia proved less controllable than Breakdowns - and he had no gestalt to monitor his activities.
Suffering from a processor-ache that only threatened to get worse while Red Alert remained on base, Soundwave carefully (casually to those observers who didn’t know him), approached Megatron.
“Well? What information was extracted from our Autobot friend?”
Soundwave vented. “Nothing.”
“Nothing?” Megatron rose up, towering over everyone. “I give you a week to hack the security officer’s processors and you come up with nothing?” The Decepticon Lord Protectorate stepped down from his elevated throne. “Maybe I should give your pet to Vortex, or Shockwave - they’ll have no trouble clearing out shattered firewalls.”
“Firewalls non existent.” Soundwave protested in his own unique way. “Processor, scatter brained, nonsense connections. Recommendation: return to Autobots.”
“But he is damaged?”
“I see no reason to keep the mech any longer - his purpose is ended.” Megatron turned around. “Dispose of him however you will.”
Listening in, unseen, unobserved by Soundwave or his always present cassettes, Red Alert backed away, trembling.
He knew it - Everyone WAS out to get him! No place was safe. Here he was trapped, underwater.
Title: Priorities
Rating: K
Characters: Sunstreaker, Hoist
Universe: Generation 1
Summary: Ask a medic, he’ll look for debilitating wounds. Ask Sunstreaker, and he sees every imperfection.
Prompt # 2 MASTER PROMPT - May 14th 2014 “It’s Just Cosmetic”
“I think something’s wrong.” Sunstreaker poked his head into the empty waiting room.
The medic waved the Autobot soldier on in. “What seems to be the problem?”
“This!” The former gladiator thrust an intact arm under Hoist’s optics.
Hoist examined the arm, found no defects - no injury, no wounds auto-repair couldn’t fix, no twisted gears, no torn (misaligned) cables. “What am I looking for?”
“Can’t you see it?” Sunstreaker demanded. “The claw mark!”
Hoist had seen the jagged line. He had ignored it in favor of more serious wounds. “It is just cosmetic - a thin layer of touch-up paint should fix it.”
“Just cosmetic!” Sunsreaker spluttered. “And you call yourself a medic.” He slid off the repair booth. “The scratch has marred my finish!”
Hoist just vented.
The irate yellow front liner exited, still muttering complaints about the scratches.
Title: Fundamentals of English
Rating: K
Characters: Bluestreak
Universe: Generation 1
Summary: Do not let Bluestreak run away with the conversation -he will hear one word and go off on a tangent related to that word!
Prompt # 3 Belt
“Let’s see, pant belts - leather, cloth, stretchy cord, or other. Conveyor belt, factory belt, Transmission belt, … geez, the humans have a lot of belts. Do you think the ‘Corn Belt’ is like the belts they wear?
“’under the belt’ refers to one’s experiences, and ‘below the belt’ means illegal applications, or unsportsmanlike conduct, while tightening the belt, could mean the belt is too loose, the wearer recently lost weight and might want to buy a smaller belt, or someone needs to be more frugal in the budget. … Why must the locals have so many possible interpretations for one phrase?
“But belt could also be a hard blow or hit …
“What was the question again?”
Title: Star Trek: The Wrath of Unicron!
Rating: Teen
Characters: Unicron
Universe: Generation 1
Summary: Eternity locked away, is very boring indeed.
Prompt #4 Take a movie title, replace one word with a character.
Unicron did not spend eternity wandering aimlessly in the galaxy his twin kicked him out of - no, while waiting for an opportunity to enact revenge on the world, and species he had been prohibited from destroying in its infancy, he traveled through other galaxies, other realms that did not know mechanical life.
Most of the time, he could ignore the organics species, and they had no notation he’d ever been there.
There was one major exception:
“We Are the Borg! You will be Assimilated!”
Unicron noticed the persistent attempts of this Frankenstein conglomerate of machine and organics to add him to the collective. He rebuffed their attempts every time.
“We Are The Borg! Your knowledge will be added to the Collective!”
Unicron chose to ingest this sphere full of drones - he was getting low on metals. It was so nice of the Borg queen to see to his needs before he had to go hunting for a world to refuel.
“We Are The Borg!”
Again, with the attempts to subject Unicron to a weak-minded race - enough was enough. This time, instead of simply eating the metal cube, regurgitating the non metallic parts, he let his presence slide into the mindless beings.
“We are the …. We are … We …” The Borg cube faltered, its drones dying, as Unicron’s being overpowered the singular queen.
Oh he wasn’t done yet - not nearly. Having been chased from one edge of this galaxy to the other side, he wanted to eradicate the pests from this realm! It didn’t take much effort either - just concentrating and pulling more of himself into the organic shells, spreading from one mobile outpost to another, their very link to the queen, their ultimate downfall.
With the irritating pest finally gone, Unicron paid no attention to the full-organic, tossing a thought-virus into the telepathic connection. Admiral Katherine Janeway never learned of Unicron’s presence.
Title: Specialty Market
Rating: K
Characters: Wheeljack, Skywarp
Universe: Generation 1
Summary: Wheeljack, as a self-taught inventor, Wheeljack has always been interested in the latest and newest - if only to improve the design and function.
Author's Note: influenced by a vaguely remembered bunny: Wheeljack build's Skywarp's teleportation device.
Prompt #5 That New Must-Have-Gadget
Wheeljack liked Vos because it had something for everyone - Vos did not boast itself as the ‘center of growth and innovation’ but he knew it was one city an industrious inventor could make a name for himself.
Trouble was, every aspiring inventor, mechanic, and similar, arrived in droves, their very presence turning what should have been a guaranteed success into a temporary fad.
Wheeljack vented, tossing yet another half-finished prototype to the ground. Could he ever come up with a novelty item nobody else had thought of or was already working on?
One of his most loyal customers/friends, a trickster who liked blending in with the shadows, popped in with the latest news. “Polyextra’s got a space-bridge working. Says he’ll be able to cut transport costs way down.”
Wheeljack just let his helm thump against the ceramic workbench. Then, his head popped back up. “Is it portable?”
The Vosian grew thoughtful. “No - I think, it has to be assembled on site and is larger than this room.”
“Skywarp, how’d you like to be able to jump anywhere, anytime you wished?”
Skywarp grinned. “I’d like that very much - can you do it?”
“If I can steel a glance at Polyextra’s schematics, I can.” Wheeljack promised.
Title: Devil’s Advocate
Rating: K
Characters: Sentinel Prime, unnamed underling
Universe: Generation 1
Timeline: Pre-war (Golden Age)
Summary: Sentinel Prime is goal-oriented, and cannot see reason in anything other than his plans, his way, his timing.
Author's Note: influenced by Silberstreif's "Dare To Dream"
oneshot. Worth checking out.
Prompt #6 Sponsorship
“You can’t take the funding from Kaon!”
“Why not? Gladiators are a drain on vital resources - if they have so many mechs they can indulge in fighting to the death just for public appeal, they certainly don’t need government funds to maintain their lifestyle.”
“But sir! Most Kaonites are on bare-minimum pay already - take away the income, and many will starve in the streets!”
“We have more issues than a few extra empties in a forgotten city - all our recourses are running low, miners are either outright rebelling against their overseers, or are not working hard enough - mines are running dry, new mines are not being established, and the workers are leaving for other jobs.”
“If you must slash senate Spending, then cut back on private studies - we already know this treatment works, and that method doesn’t. Do we really need to spend an entire city’s taxes on figuring out the EXACT reason why it happens that way?”
“An informed public, is a wiser public.”