TITLE Life-goal
Warning/Genre: None
REALM: Animated pre-earthfall,
CHARACTER(s): Bulkhead
SUMMARY: Dreams and desires come from the littlest things.
Mechling Bulkhead wanted to leave the Energon Farm. The almost-fully-grown mech wanted to do something with his life, to have a name everyone recognized.
Bulkhead couldn’t get famous harvesting energon, working to make sure everyone got food (it wasn’t his fault if the food convoys were ambushed, its contents stolen by ravenous hordes.
Watching another shipment of food set out, young Bulkhead noticed guards flank the mechs transporting the containers. It was then and there, he decided that he, Bulkhead, would become an Elite Guardsmech - the family could remain behind, unknown by everyone, while he got the important duties.
TITLE: Questions and Answers
CHARACTERS: Sari Sumdac, Ratchet
Genre/Warning: None
REALM: Tf Animated
SUMMARY: One way to learn, is to ask questions.
Sari Sumdac had an insatiable curiosity. “Hey, Ratchet? How do you get clean?”
The medic eyed her, saw no harm in showing the human child the wash-racks.
“That’s how you get clean?” Sari eyed the tubes and drainage holes. “Looks like an oversized shower to me.” She reached for the Autobot-sized knobs.
Ratchet pulled Sari away from the handles. “Don’t touch!” he warned her. “That dispenses cleansing fluid - not water.”
Sari pouted only momentarily. “Hey! You ever go for a soak?”
“A soak?”
“Yeah, in a large tub of warm fluid - baths are the best way to get clean!”
TITLE: Obvious in Retrospect
Genre/Warning: Death (off-screen)
REALM: TF Animated cartoon
SUMMARY: Hindsight shouldn’t need to be 20/20.
Blitzwing hid when Starscream started searching for metals. Other cons were not so fortunate. They disappeared, never to be seen again.
Blitzwing stayed clear of the scientist - the Seeker was insane. He knew madness when he saw it, and a mech who attacked Megatron again, and again, seeking out death, had more than a few processors lost.
Blitzwing saw the new seekers emerge from Starscream’s lab one day. The same lab that other cons were pulled inside and forgotten. He, the triplechanger suffering from multiple personality disorder, knew that the lost cons were smelted and reforged into new frames.
Blitzwing alone was unsurprised when Starscream attacked his clones, stealing back the All-Spark shards. The Decepticon troops watching the slaughter were treated to Blitzwing’s Random taunt: “Told you so.”
TITLE: Crushed and forgotten
CHARACTER: LongArm Prime
Warning/GENRE: None
SUMMARY: What is done, is done. No redoes.
In his office, Longarm Prime considered the upcoming destruction of Blurr as a necessary sacrifice - He had spent countless joors and numerous orns anticipating the possibility that an Autobot could have found out the truth behind Longarm Prime, but he hadn’t realized the revelation could come quite this soon.
No matter, the bot had been trapped, his body wrecked, and the evidence erased.
Longarm Prime ordered the disposal of the crushed cube that was once Blurr. He gave the broken mech no more processing power - the once fastest mech in the entire galaxy remained stuck, immobile, and mute.
Longarm Prime should have made sure the spark had been exterminated, instead of just satisfying himself that the mech was no longer a threat.
Blurr’s absence was noticed, and concerned friends sent out a search party. One found him, barely hanging onto life.
TITLE: Caught in the Middle
RATING: K plus
CHARACTER: Captain Fanzone
UNVERSE: Transformers Animated
GENRE/Warning: pointless one-shot
SUMMARY: Senseless waste of ammunition still causes other things to happen.
Driving along the local highway, Captain Fanzone heard the low-flying airplanes before he saw them. “Hot shot pilots! Going to get someone killed with your antics.”
Then the airplanes began shooting up the roadway. Panicked drivers either slammed on their brakes, or twisted the wheel to go around the incoming laser fire.
Captain Fanzone had neither option.
One of the energy blasts hit the road right in front of him. His truck was not struck, but he was going too fast to slow in time, and he was too close to swing around the new pothole.
His truck drove right into the hot crevice, tossing him up and about, despite his seatbelt.
“Ouch.” Relatively undamaged by the pointless attack, Captain Fanzone could only watch as the Decepticon seekers continued shooting up the landscape as they flew around the outskirts of town.
TITLE: Advertising
CHARACTERS: Isaac Sumdoc
UNIVERSE: Transformers Animated
GENRE: General
SUMMARY: The top seller was once brand new, untested, untried, and unproven.
Prompt #6 ‘MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR’
Isaac Sumdoc took a deep breath.
“My robot inventions will remove the need for us to fight. Think of it, a world not plagued by violence or war. Not just any world - this world, untouched by bloodshed.
“My robots are the perfect guardians for your children.
“They are also the best security guards for your workforce.”
Isaac Sumdoc remains smiling throughout his spiel. He has to make his audience believe every word that comes out of his mouth.
“No more industrial sabotage. No more corporate secrets! With these robots, you won’t ever need to worry about patents being stolen.”