Dec 18, 2020 20:11
Almost forgot!
Some people (my family) enjoy Krumkakes plain.
Others like fillings added.
Here is one popular choice:
1 cup whipping cream
3 Tablespoons confectioner sugar.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla.
WHIP the cream until stiff.
Add (and blend in) the sugar and vanilla.
should be stiff -
if too thin, add more sugar.
if too stiff, add a little cream.
optional - some small berries like cranberries or blueberries or the juice of blackberries (chopped up strawberries) or lingonberries.
This adds both color AND contrasting flavor.
SERVE promptly - while the whipped cream is still stiff.
For added variety, coat the edge of the cone with melted dipping-chocolate.
(actually - ANY filling - fudge, pudding, diced fruits, whipped cream, cream cheese (w/ or w/o fruit), sherbers, ice cream, preserves and jams, custars - ANY FILLING whatsover is a tasty addition to the thin, krumkake.
Mix, and match to preference - or leave plain, as desired.
recipe: dessert,