Fall Bingo attempt - part 2

Nov 30, 2016 22:30

Title: Exploring Earth
Rating: PG+
Characters: Sideswipe, Hound
T-Verse: Generation 1 (IDW?)
Summary: Cybertronian Split-Sparks are interesting personalities - OR: there is a reason Sideswipe works with temporary partners only some of the time.
Author: Rose0mary
Prompt: migrating

Sideswipe hated getting stuck on patrol duty with Hound.   He was positive being partnered with the green jeep was Prowl’s attempt at punishing the red prankster.
“Look, Sideswipe - Geese!”  Hound pointed out the squawking flock of birds
Noticing Hound had stopped - again - to watch the local wildlife, Sideswipe pulled over, waited.  “Not getting any younger here!” he snapped eight minutes later.
With no response coming, Sideswipe let his engine roar.  Loudly.
The sudden noise startled the resting flock - jumping into the air, the migrating birds mobbed into a cloud and took off.
Forlornly watching the birds fly overhead, Hound asked, “Aren’t you at all interested in earth’s creatures?”  He finally followed after Sideswipe.
“No,” The red hellion’s engine rumbled louder than necessary, flooded with excess power.  
It was so tempting to simply speed off, letting Hound keep up the best he could - which would be not at all.  Knowing he’d really be in for it - from Prime himself, not just Prowl - if he did leave his partner behind, Sideswipe kept to the slower speed his temporary partner could maintain.
Besides, knowing Hound, he’d be sidetracked by more animals, and forget they were supposed to be keeping an optic scanning for Decepticon threats.  And Sideswipe wanted to kick some unwary Decepticon aft.

Title: Birds are not seekers
Rating: PG+
Characters: Bluestreak & Sunstreaker
T-Verse: Generation 1
Summary: Twins are among the most Interesting of creatures - there is a reason Sunstreaker (and not Sideswipe) is temporarily partnered with Bluestreak
Author: Rose0mary
Prompt: Migrating

Sunstreaker didn’t hate going on patrol with Bluestreak.   He hated doing a patrol sweep, period.  Earth’s roads were dusty at best, absolutely filthy at worse.  Only two things could brighten his mood: encountering a lonely Decepticon while on the lookout for enemy action, or hearing the task was over and he could go clean up.
“Hound said he saw some geese the other day.  I hope we get to see them too - they look kinda funny on the ground with their orange feet, and long necks, but how does he know they were geese?  Ducks are birds too, and owls - though, I guess we won’t see Owls, cause Spike says they are nocturnal, which means night-active, but Carley’s scared of bats, -“
“Blue,” Sunstreaker interrupted.  “Why the sudden interest in birds?  We’ve go flying animals back on Cybertron,”
The question created a moment’s worth of silence.  “They’re on Cybertron, not here - and most of the animals back home dead cause of the war, but these creatures are alive, and beautiful.”
Sunstreaker’s engine stalled.  Organic creatures, beautiful?  They were repulsive, in part, due to the lack of metal.  What was Blue going on with, saying earth animals were wonderful? 
“Bird wings are so unlike seeker wings, what with their ability to flap or soar, or tuck tight along the body,” Hearing no further questions from his patrolling partner, Bluestreak waxed passionately about his current obsession: earth birds.  “Duck’s wings are waterproof - and I guess geese and others are also quick to shed water cause they fly through clouds, but I really wanna see geese, or one of the other migrating flocks.”

Title: Changing Rules
Rating: PG+
Characters: Grimlock
T-Verse: Generation 1 / IDW
Summary: Not all games - along with their multitude of rules - were explained to the Autobots, let alone the Dinobots.  In fact, most were probably not verbalized or summarized. 
Author: Rose0mary
Prompt# Sports -

Grimlock didn’t get sports.  At all.

Well, there was always a ball, but sometimes the ball was a brown pigskin, sometimes it was a white dimpled plastic thing; other times, the green ball was bounced between opposing rackets, or cracked out of the ballpark by a bat; they also kicked the black-and-white sphere with their feet, or tossed it over a net.

Humans and their sports were strange.

Why didn’t they all play the game the same way?

Ping-Pong and Foosball were too small to interest him (the Mimibots enjoyed them - possibly because it was at their height); Crocket and Golf were slow and seemed to be more mental than physical - where were the opposing teams? -  Water Polo gave him the willies - play in water?  What if the liquid started rusting him? -  Rugby he didn’t get at all.  (Neither did the humans who tried explaining it to him).

And why did they like bundling up in layers and layers of clothing, just to go to a warehouse sized ice-box, where they whipped themselves into a shouting-or-screaming frenzy watching a black puck get slung across frozen cement?

Grimlock stopped trying to make sense of humans and their multitude of sport-like activities.

A proper sport - in the Dinobot’s opinion, if he’d been asked - involved smashing the enemy team; getting bruised in return, and showing everyone, who the toughest player was.  Penalties for unnecessary roughness and bench time because injuries prevented someone from playing weren’t part of a sporting time.

Title: newfound family
Rating: PG+
Characters: Various Autobots
T-Verse: Generation 1 /IDW
Summary: Family is what you make of it - NOT who’s born in it (or to it)
Author: Rose0mary
Prompt# “Family”

Jazz loved earth.  Not like Hound did, or Bumblebee, or Beachcomber or Fireflight, or any of the others.  He loved earth because it was a world untouched by their war - a world that reminded them all that there was something worth fighting for.

Yes, Jazz also enjoyed showing off his newest Rock-And-Roll stereo amplifiers.  Humans created the greatest stuff.  (He did his best to keep from involving their human allies in battles.  No need to get more civilians tied up in their war).
* * * * * *
Bumblebee, apprentice to Jazz (unofficially, although everyone - including various Decepticons knew it), liked earth too.  He enjoyed the people, and their cities.  The Witiwickies were great - throwing all their efforts into helping the Autobots stop the evil Cons, even though they could - and had - get hurt during skirmishes.

After a while, Bumblebee saw the humans as part of his extended family - loosing Sparkplug’s to a heart attack hurt more than if the older Witwicky had been killed in battle.    After all, no one had expected him to die first.  (Losses were expected in fights with their enemies, but Sparkplug hadn’t BEEN fighting the invaders, and had been safe - or so everyone assumed).
* * * * * *
Fireflight enjoyed giving humans rides - pilots only, please.  Not that he expected to crash or lose control - past experience in the air notwithstanding - but he (and his passengers) felt safer when someone certified and trained to fly could take over in a flash, if Fireflight’s processor wandered … again.

Hey, the humans were very understanding - and their stunt pilots were happy to teach him new dog-fighting tactics!  (The trainers carefully did NOT point out that the aerial dogfights were practiced for show, and not to keep their combat maneuvers up-to-date).  It was too bad Buster Witwicky - one of the better instructors - chose to remain grounded, least bouts of airsickness plague him day-in and day-out.

transformers g1, char: sunstreaker, autobot ensemble, prompt, char: sideswipe, fiction

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