Helpful list

Aug 26, 2016 22:05

Sometimes I get tired of using (seeing) the word “Said” in any type of written media.  So, from (FFN)/user/angelofsuspense, I give you these (mostly alphabetized) suggestions:

Accused, acknowledged, added, addressed, admitted, advised, advocated, affirmed, agreed, alleged, allowed, announced, answered, antagonized, apologized, appealed, applauded, apprised, argued, articulated, asked, asserted, assured, avowed,

Babbled, badgered, bantered, barked, bawled, bayed, beckoned, began, begged, belched, believed, belittled, bellowed, bemoaned, beseeched, bewailed, bickered, blubbered, bluffed, blundered, blurted out, blustered, boasted, boomed, bragged, broadcasted, brooded, bubbled, burped, butted in, buzzed,

Cajoled, called, cautioned, challenged, chanted, charged, chatted, chattered, cheered, chided, chimed in, chirped, choked, chuckled, cited, claimed, clamored, clarified, clucked, coaxed, commanded, commenced, commented, communicated, complained, complied, complimented, concluded, confessed, confirmed, confused, congratulated consented, continued, contributed, cooed, corrected, coughed, counted cracked, cried out, criticized, croaked, cross, crowed, cursed,

Debate, decided, declined, declared, defined, demanded, demonstrated, denied, described, dictated, directed, disagreed, discerned, disclosed, disputed, divulged, drawled, dreamed, droned, drummed,

Echoed, eluded, emitted, emphasized, ended, enunciated, enumerated, estimated, eulogized, exclaimed, explained, exploded, expounded, expressed,

Fabricated, fibbed, filled in, finished, fired, flattered, fretted, fumed, fussed,

Gabbed, gasped, gawked, giggled, gloated, goaded, gossiped, grieved, groaned, growled, grumbled, grunted, guessed, gulped, gurgled,

Hacked, hammered, harped on, hedged, heralded, hinted, hissed, howled, hypothesized,

Idolized, intimated, implied, implored, indicated, inferred, informed, inquired, inserted, insinuated, insisted, instructed, interjected, interpreted, interrogated, interrupted, intimidated, intoned, intonated, invited, iterated,

Jeered, jested, joined in, joked, joshed,


Lamented, lashed out, laughed lied, lisped,

Maintained, mentioned, meowed, mewed, mimicked, mispronounced, misquoted, moaned, mocked, mourned, mumbled, murmured, mused, muttered,

Nagged, named, narrated, nixed, noted,

Objected, observed, opined, ordered, outline,

Panted, paraphrased, persisted, persuaded, petitioned, piped, pleaded, pointed out, pouted, praised, prayed, preached, presented, presumed, pretended, prevaricated, proclaimed, prodded, prompted, pronounced, proposed, propositioned, protested, puffed, purported, purposed, purred,

Quaked, quarreled, queried, questioned, quibbled, quipped, quizzed, quoted,

Raged, rasped, rasping, ratified, read, reasoned, recalled, recapitulated, recited, recommended, recounted, reflected, rehashed, rehearsed, reiterated, rejoiced, related, remarked, remember, reminded, renounced, repeated, replied, reported, requested, resounded, responded, restated, resumed, retorted, retracted, returned to, revealed, reviewed, ridiculed, rumored,

Sang, scoffed, scolded, scorned, screamed, screeched, sing-songed, shouted, shrieked, shrugged, shuddered, sighed, smarted off, snapped, snarled, sneered, snipped, snored, snorted, sounded out, spat, specified, speculated, spit out, spoke, sputtered, squawked, squeaked, squealed, stammered, stated, stormed, stressed, stumbled, submitted, suggested,

Tattled, teased, testified, thanked, thought, thundered, told, twitched,


Voiced, vowed,
Wailed, warned, waved, welcomed, wept, whimpered, whined, whispered, whined, whistled, wished, wondered,

Yelled, yelped, yawned,

Zoned out

If any strike your fancy, feel free to use/borrow.  Don't you find a well rounded vocabulary help give a story emotion and depth?
(List found on “Angel of Suspense” at FFN)

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