Uncovering the buried firsts

Jul 31, 2016 22:21

Well, the meme (picked up from Playswithworms) was so much fun, I decided to do it again - but with a twist or two.
First - Start with OLDEST, (not newest), and work my way forwards.    This let me discover some old drabbles that I might have otherwised missed and forgotten.
Second - choosing ONLY fics I have crossposed at Tf-Rare Pairing.  (planning on doing something similar for the other communities I am a member of, sometime soon).

So, with no further adue:  Let's begin!
  1. Hound/Bluestreak: Stray - six drabbles  -
It was the middle of the shift, when the Ark Rec Room should have been empty. Hound sat, working on a report that had to be turned in the morning. 
- ( http://tf-rare-pairing.livejournal.com/475663.html)

  1. PROMPT: Breakdown/Arachinid - You Did this To Me! ~ Breakdown smirked. "You look ... different" he approached the changed form of Airachnid.
  1. Prowl/Blurr - catch me if you can, copper    
     ~ The black-and-gold ninja bot heard an engine rev, didn't realize it was his at first.  ~ ~(:-)

  1. Jazz/Hound: Hakuna Matata -  
    The Autobot rec room was nearly empty when Carly and Spike came by. <-:
  1. Bumblebee/Smokescreen: Picture Perfect ~ (second of five drabbles) - “See?”  Isn’t the panoramic view spectacular?”  Smokescreen transformed, created a small rectangular window with his thumbs and forefingers. -
  1. Arcee/Bulkhead: I cannot - 0-:
    “Hey Bulky!  Wanna do something fun tonight?”  Arcee sauntered towards the forest-green mech. ~
  1. Optimus Prime/Elita 1: Together Forever ~
    Optimus Prime rested With Elita 1.  They were alone in the private quarters, cuddling together, healing and reaffirming that both still lived.
  1. Knockout/Starscream: Surviving another day (second of four drabbles in “episode Tie-ins”)    ~
    Starscream walked past a sentinel Vehicon.  He coughed when the mech inside the guarded room didn’t even glance his way.~
  1. Moonracer/Skywarp - Racing:  (two of three drabbles) ~
    Moonracer looked at the ruins behind her. ~
  1. Thundercracker/Starscream: Face Me Head On! ~
    A hand grasped his wing, forcefully spinning him around.  ~ http://tf-rare-pairing.livejournal.com/536591.html )
  1. Trailbreaker/Soundwave: Secrecy        “Trailbraeker couldn’t believe it.”
  2. ~ AND ~ Jazz/Lockdown: Target Acquired!
     “Warned by a nearly-inaudible sound of creaking joints, the apparently dozing gold-plated elite warrior lunges forward.” http://rose0mary.livejournal.com/82228.html#cutid3, ~
  1. Prowl/Sunstreaker: Untapped Potential ~ ;-)
    Sunstreaker saw Mirage wheeled into the Triage bay.  He knew that left the base temporarily without an officer.
  1. Knockout/Airachnid: Challenging Rank ~
     “With my skills as a medic, and your transport, we could leave this mudball behind.”
  1. Prowl/Starscream: Battle of Wits ~
    “What are you doing here, Starscream?”

  1. (first prompt):  Ironhide/Arcee - To The End!
    The Autobots stood strong and tall as the grey frame of Optimus Prime was brought back to base one final time.  Then, the cable winch was released.
    (second prompt)  Makeshift/Arachinid: Rouges Unite ~
  2. At Chaar, in a refuel and supply station, the Ratskelter Oil Bar, it was not uncommon for Transformers to meet and talk.  This group of two - a vheicron, and a metallic spider-alt mode - were not the most outrageous disguises.
  1. Jazz/Bluestreak:  Too Much To Bear ~ .
    Arcee found them.  ~ AND Smokescreen/Wheeljack: Test Subject.  ~
    “Wheeljack, could I bother you for a moment?” 
  1. Jazz/Inferno: Smoldering Spark.
    “You are on fire.” http://tf-rare-pairing.livejournal.com/546073.html
  1.  Jazz/Arcee: http://rose0mary.livejournal.com/95290.html#cutid2Small Saboteurs -  “One last mission” Jazz lamented as he packed. (also)   http://tf-rare-pairing.livejournal.com/547701.html
    AND Megatron/Nighbird: Bludgeoned ~   “Ow.  What struck me?”
  1. Prowl/Vortex:  http://tf-rare-pairing.livejournal.com/547896.htmlCrazy in love
    ~ Showing none of the fear that filled him, Prowl ignored the rest of Vortex’s team.  “This is a crazy way of getting my attention.”

  1. Wheeljack/Smokescreen: Testing, 1, 2, 3.
    “Think this batch is the key?”  Earfins flashed, revealing the speaker’s uncertainty.  http://tf-rare-pairing.livejournal.com/548672.html
    and (http://rose0mary.livejournal.com/97981.html#cutid1finally) ~
    Shockwave/Megatron - Two lone Gunmen:
      Kaon’s champion gladiator circled Iacon’s former top scientist.

Apparently I DO need a Beta.  Mainly to catch the grammer errors that spell-Check misses.  Cause w/o one, my writting kinda reminds me of a "too lazy for computer doublechecking" - which irks me greatly.
Looks at the towering mountain before self.  *sigh*  Guess I better get started before the task becomes a imossible-to-traverse mountain range.

EDIT:  Does anybody know how to incert links so it doesn't look so weird?  And so people can click right to the story?
Tried the button that worked succesfully before.
All it did this time was move the line around, so it blocks and interupts.

autobot ensemble, prompt, transformers

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