Title: Wild Africa
Rating: K+
T-Verse: Generation 1
Characters: Hound, Jazz
Author: Rose0mary
Summary: Some Autobots are easily distracted from the “search and sabotage” modus operandus objective in unexplored country.
It was Hound’s first time in Africa; his natural inclinations found the forest-green mech exploring the savannah. Oh, he kept in radio contact (and visual range, whenever possible), with the rest of his patrol group, but off the beaten path was more interesting than the dirt road the humans used to get around.
“Hound,” Jazz called over the radio, “we’re not on a sight-seeing tour this trip - get back to the main track.”
The nature lover vented, but obeyed, climbing out of the dry riverbed to rejoin Jazz as they tried discovering just what the Decepticons had been after in this low-tech region of the world. As he jogged to catch up, something spotted caught his optics.
“Whoa.” Hound stopped, trying to figure out just what he was seeing. “Hey, Jazz, I got a visual on a long-necked creature. Could you ask the guide what local animals are taller than me?”
Bemused, (and not totally believing the tracker, seeing as his experiences on this strange new world had revealed even the smallest Autobots were taller than most of the humans and many, many creatures,) Jazz did so. He relayed the safari leader’s request for more information. “Got a better description than simply tall?”
“Spotted tan skin, or maybe brown patches intersected with white strips” Hound catalogued what he could see, “long neck, thin long legs, front pair appear to be taller than the back pair, and,” the creature paused to browse on acacia leaves, “purple tongue. Doesn’t seem too bothered by the thorns.”
“Burton says it sounds like you encountered a giraffe. Pretty fast runners, according the him, and while tourists would love to photograph one, they aren’t exactly something everyone sees.” Jazz paused. “Any signs of Decepticon activity, past or present?”
“Still no trace of them or their tech,” Hound responded. “And I don’t see how any of them could be hiding in the grasslands or Savannah - despite how spread apart the local settlements are.”
“You can grab plant samples later.”
“Hardy har, har, Jazz.” Hound closed the comm. It wasn’t his fault that more often than not, he came back loaded with twigs in joints, branches caught under his armor, or leaves and stuck to his frame. Every mech had trouble navigation on icy roads and muddy paths the first several times they encountered terrain challenges brought on by changing weather. Even Jazz had slipped once or twice.
* * * * * * * Generation 1 * * * * * * * * *