Title Sad, Sad Day
Rating K+
Verse Generation 1
Characters Inferno, Red Alert, Jazz, Prowl
Genre Humor? Hurt/Comfort and Friendship
Summary Red Alert's acting funny - not even Inferno knows why. Plus, there is a well-kept secret that will be known by two more.
Warnings None
Author Rose0mary
Inferno walked by the security office. Walked passed the closed door without checking to see if Red Alert was still inside, obsessively checking the cameras despite being off duty. It was said among the Autobots that Red Alert lived in the Security Office, and forgot he had his own private quarters. They were wrong - Red knew he had livable quarters, and he used his room on occasion. Not very often, but Red did - and when Red Alert chose to hole up in his quarters and not the security office, few know how to react.
Every Autobot was on edge, watching and waiting for Inferno to work his usual magic on their Security Director.
Inferno stepped up to the energon dispenser located in the Recreational Room and grabbed four cubes. Two he subspaced, two he carried in his hands. Mindful of the watchful eyes, Inforno stepped back out to the hallway and retraced his steps to the security office.
::Red:: Inferno sent over the private channel only he and Red Alert shared. ::I Brought you some energon. Let me in.:: Inferno stood outside Red Alert’s quarters, waiting to hear the locks disengage.
::LEAVE ME ALONE!:: demanded Red Alert, ignoring Inferno’s pleas to refuel.
Inferno tried to recall what he’d done recently. Nothing came to mind, but he apologized anyway. ::Ah, Red, I’m sorry.:: Something had upset the uptight security director. No, not upset. Upset did not result in Red retreating to his private abode and hiding from the world. Upset was usually indicated by Red protesting to Prime. It was near indistinguishable from ‘Angry’, which was caused by Mechs disregarding his security protocols and putting themselves, others, and the base at risk. ::Red, you need energon::
Inferno winced from the volume. Trust Red Alert to have figured out how to shout on private frequencies. ::You are not fine, Red.::
::GO AWAY!:: insisted Red Alert.
Inferno subspaced his two remaining cubes, leaned against the door, and slid down to the floor. He had the door as his backrest. ::I’m not leaving ‘till you tell me what’s bothering you:: Inferno replied, sending reassurance over the bond he and Red shared with no one else.
Red’s emotional end of the link was still closed off.
Typical mused Inferno, well used to Red’s normal method’s of dealing, and some of the less-widely known reactions. ::Red, Let me in. I won’t go away until you drink at least one cube::
Red Alert’s growl wasn’t transmitted over the commlink. Or any encrypted frequency. His growl could be heard by passerbyers as they used the corridor.
::NO:: Red Alert remained adamant.
Inferno finally desisted in trying to appeal to Red’s logical reasoning - the security mech, his closest and best friend, could outstubbern most mechs. When they got to stalemates like this, Inferno had to change tactics, or risk giving up and letting Red Alert have his way. Drastic measures sometimes worked; sometimes they didn’t. In this instance, Inferno chose to refrain from moving from this spot until Red opened the door of his own free will.
Inferno opened a private, but lightly encrypted comm. line to Prowl. “Requesting permission to take today off, sir”
::That’s not necessary, Inferno:: Red Alert cut in before the Second In Command could ask why.
::Red?:: Inferno politely asked Prowl to wait a moment, and leaked his reply to Red through both links, knowing those awake would be listening in - to
::What orn is it today?:: Red Alert sounded subdued.
::April 13th:: Inferno replied promptly.
::Orn not date, Orn::
Oh. Inferno had to a quick internal conversion to figure out the answer. He cut out the deliberate frequency bleed. Some things had to remain private. ::Oh, I’m sorry Red. I forgot.::
Red’s reply was bittersweet. ::You may have. I couldn’t:: the deliberate click, signaling the end of the private conversation was definitive.
Inferno stood up. “About that leave request sir, cancel it. I’ll be on duty on time.”
Prowl’s ability to hold his curiosity in check led to the unfortunate rumors that he was an emotionless drone. Not that those particular rumors held any weight for this crew. “Duly noted.”
Jazz, who could also hold his curiosity at bay, chose not to utilize the ability. “Everything okay Inferno? What’s up with Red?”
Inferno tottered back to his quarters, the energon cubes forgotten. “Everything is fine, Jazz. Red will be back to normal by the end of the orn.” Inferno tried to reassure the Third-in-command.
“Ya sure? This isn’t a typical fit”
“It’s not a ‘fit’, Jazz. It’s a remembrance thing. Happens once every thirty-thousand vorns or so.”
“… Odd choice in frequency. Any idea what Red’s recalling?”
“Oh, I know exactly what and why Red is mourning. How can I not know what my twin is experiencing and feeling?”
“TWINS??” asked Prowl and Jazz. “You’re not - ”
Any other day, Inferno might have laughed. “Bonded? No. One hundred percent twins. It makes little difference to us if others think we are friends, close-friends, or more than friends.”