Title: Unhealed wounds
Warnings/content advice: physical relationship alluded to
Rating: Teens
Continuity: Generation 1
Characters: Jazz, others
Disclaimer: Rose0mary does NOT own
Prompt: Winter challenge 2014 Jazz/Bluestreak, ‘Well-Below Freezing’
“Hey, Blue, mind telling me why you’re giving me the cold-shoulder?”
Without a word, the Praxian sniper got up and left.
Jazz sat in the seat the gray mech had just vacated. “That’s cruel my mech!”
The table companions gave off ill-disguised snorts of laughter.
“Something funny, Sides?”
“Nope.” Sideswipe kept his optics focused on the cards in his hand. “Bluestreak’s just having a bad day.”
“Bad month is more likely.” Trailbreaker tossed his five cards down. “Mech hasn’t’ been himself since that last trip to Cybertron.”
“Ratchet check for the usual?” Jazz asked, suddenly very concerned.
“Let him be, Jazz.” Sunstreaker was the only one to glare at the Saboteur. “We have to travel through the crumbling ruins of Crystal City to meet up with Ultra Magnus’s guerrilla fighters.”
I didn’t know. Jazz thought, realizing now why Bluestreak had been actively avoiding him since h had asked how the visit back home had gone.
Title: Backing out
Warnings/content advice: None
Rating: K+
Continuity: Generation 1
Characters: Beachcomber, Hound
Prompt: Winter challenge 2014 Optimus Prime/Beachcomber ‘Secret Gift Exchange’
“I’m not sure I can participate in the upcoming Christmas party.” Beachcomber confided to Hound.
Hound continued walking and talking as he walked along the seashore, tracking the swells and crests of the water on the side. “Why not? You already drew a name, didn’t you?”
“Yes, and that’s the problem.” Beachcomber said. “I just can’t think of a present to give.”
Hound found something interesting buried a few inches in the wet sand. He knelt down and carefully scooped out a hole so he could grasp the object. “So, who’d you pick that you can’t think of a present for, if I might be told?”
The blue-plated geologist scanned for eavesdroppers even though he knew Hound would have picked up anyone close enough to overhear this conversation. “Optimus Prime.” He admitted.
Pulling out the large slab of petrified wood, Hound’s momentary pause went unnoticed. “I can see how that might be a problem.” The green jeep said, examining the fossilized plant. “Get Prime a paperweight.” Hound suggested. Handed the blue bot the just-excavated rock. “Lots of shells and carved rocks to choose from here.”
“Let me do the picking, okay, Hound?” It was Beachcomber’s turn to examine the patterned stone. “Humans do collect stuff like this all the time - should work.”
Title: Santa questions
Warnings/content advice: None
Rating: K
Continuity: Generation 1
Characters: Grimlock, Wheeljack, Swoop
Prompt: Winter challenge 2014 Grimlock/Swoop - getting ready for Santa.
“When Santa come and bring coal?” Grimlock crowded the inventor in his not-very large workspace.
Wheeljack chuckled. “According to human folklore, Mr. Clause comes after everyone is asleep.” Turning to give his full attention to Grimlock, he spotting Swoop wearing an oversized Santa cap.
“Then Santa never show.” Grimplock dropped his head, saddened. “Him Red Alert and Him Prowl never asleep.” Swoop crooned in disappointment.
“Hey, now.” Wheeljack tried consoling the disappointed Dinobots. “Santa knows how to avoid adults who don’t believe in him - and why do you want coal?” He asked, wondering.
“Naughty boys fight. Santa gives coal. We fight. We get coal.” Swoop announced. “Coal good for fires - we like fire.” His smile would have terrified anyone who didn’t know him.
Title: Mech of the hour
Warnings/content advice: future violence implied
Rating: Teens
Continuity: Generation 1
Characters: Megatron, Prowl
Summary: Megatron is a scrooge at the ‘big-get-together of the year’ - and for good reason.
Prompt: Winter challenge 2014 Megatron/Prowl The annual party.
“More energon?” Prowl held out two cubes of very potent high grade.
Megatron raised his single half-finished mildly potent high-grade. “I hate getting overcharged at these events.”
“This is the only chance I get to indulge.” Prowl countered, tossing the first cube back in a single swallow. He held onto the other. “The music not to your liking?”
Megatron glanced over to the orchestra pit where Soundwave and Blaster were having a private discussion. “It’s not the noise,” he growled. “It’s the mindless chit-chatting tagalongs with self-important attitudes and our host who made a fortune selling weapons to both sides.”
“Then we are agreed.” Prowl drowned the second cube just as quickly as he had the first one. “Outsiders forcing us to make nice have nasty secrets - and when we can ferret out what they’re hiding-“
“When we can restart the war.” Megatron’s sober optics gleamed at the thought.
“I was going to suggest something else, but I … “ Prowl trailed off as he stumbled towards the nearest server, seeking another cube.
Now with Prime’s advisor absent, Megatron found himself swarmed by reporters and gossiping mongers who were sure to brag forever afterwards that the former Kaon gladiator spoke to them. Not given any walking room, Megatron had to stiffen his resolve to speak civilly to the mechs and femmes who asked the same question a thousand times in a thousand different ways,
Why couldn’t Ratchet or Hook have allowed him, the Decepticon Warlord, to claim he had come down with a nasty (probably and very likely a deadly) infection of scraplets?
Title: Party invitations
Rating: K
Continuity: Generation 1
Characters: Spike, Ironhide, Mirage
Prompt: Winter challenge 2014 ‘Ironhide/Mirage Angels and spirits.
“Come again?”
“I think you’d make a great-looking devil for Halloween, Ironhide.” Spike repeated.
“Halloween, - isn’t that the fake-candy and gifts in the fireplace nonsense humans insist upon celebration? Or is it the time to play pranks on everyone?”
“No, Mirage, that’s April Fools.” Spike rolled his eyes. “Halloween is when kids (and sometimes adults), dress up and try to fool people with fake core, and mythical beasts or scary creatures. It’s supposed to be all fun and games.”
Ironhide and Mirage traded glances. “Come as you are not? Sounds interesting - but I’ll not play the part of a devil or demon.”
“That’s fine. You’d need a few costume parts -and I don’t think they come in your size” Spike turned to Mirage. “What about you? Planning on coming?”
Mirage grinned and vanished. “You’ll never know if I show up nor not.”
“Practicing already as the Cheshire cat? Or ghost?” Spike asked the empty room. “Hey, guys, where’d you go?”
Title: Preparations
Warnings/content advice: None
Rating: K+
Continuity: Generation 1
Characters: Jazz, Ironhide
Prompt: Winter challenge 2014 Ironhide/Mirage - Angels and spirits
“Let me get this straight.” The Special operations mech shook his head in shock. “You want me to help you disguise yourself as an angel?” Jazz did not enjoy the sensation of behing astonished. It was his job to make the odd requests, not approving them, or helping others fill out theirs. “Any idea what one looks like? - And why is Mirage pinging me for info on spirits?”
Ironhide played dumb. “No idea.”
Jazz eyed the red bodyguard for a moment. “Alright, I’ll help you two out - but I will want the full story after the party is over.”
Title: Prevalent misconceptions
Warnings/content advice: None
Rating: K+
Continuity: Generation 1
Characters: Starscream, Blitzwing, Breakdown
Prompt: Winter challenge 2014 Blitzwing/Breakdown - mixing holiday traditions.
“When do we get to go out and scare the humans out of all their candy?” Blitzwing hounded Starscream.
“Go bother Swindle - or another con who enjoys figuring out quaint human customs.” The air commander gave the triple-changer a not-to-polite brush off.
The shove didn’t bother Blitzwing. He simply changed direction and worked his way into the mess hall. Sitting next to no one in particular, the mech said in a very loud voice, “Earth customs are strange.”
Most of those enjoying their fuel got up and left. Not all. The mech in the corner, eyeing the others as they entered or exited the room, stayed standing. “Humans can’t fool me twice - what are birthdays?”
Blitzwing sipped his spiked cube. “When they play pranks, tell jokes or trade gag-gifts, that’s a birthday.” He firmly declared.