Six Geese a-laying

Dec 20, 2012 22:21

It's hard to believe the year is almost over.

Here I am, snug in my bed, sipping hot-tang, and enjoying the cracking fire.
Despite the timeless feeling, the year is passing by so quickly and quietly.

I've got several (many) things to be thankful for.
A warm, welcoming family - who are all able to get together this Christmas,
Adequate clothing, warm food, and a solid roof over my head.

Not everyone has the luxury of feeling a full belly when the cold snap comes.
Some can't even keep themselves fed properly when its not dipping below freezing at night.
I took a look at the weather map recently, and Good Golly!  It appears half the country is going to experiencing some major storms.
White-outs, blizzards, cold sleet, hail, and thunder are the future for more than a few people.
Gee whiz, and here I thought about complaining about the thick, death fog we got two, three weeks ago.  (no joke, death fog is a term referencing how thick the ground cloud can get - so thick, it is darker outside than when the clouds are overcast and heavy, and the sun cannot burn through for several hours, maybe making an appearance shortly before sunset, and nobody outside can see the end of the driveway!  Even when their house is right on the street!)

Haven't heard much about sixty or hundred car pile-ups recently.
Could be I'm not listening to the news, or it could mean more people are actually paying attention to the weather and taking precautions.
I would like to think its due to there not being any major wrecks that close I-5 for hours, or a mile-long disaster area( car wreck strewn about), instead of the casualties and fatalities being bumped back due to more 'news' on mass-murders by gun-shooters, or the demand to do something about all the unregistered shotguns, rifles, pistols, and other ranged weapons because "GUN'S DON'T KILL PEOPLE!   PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!"

Well, we'll see what next week brings.
After all, tomorrow is a new day.
More sorrows to be shared and healing to begin.
Stories to be told, and memories to be enjoyed.


Not sure when or where it's going to stop.
I thought the tradition helped the troops remember their homes, their country, and give them encouragement on their overseas posting.  Not as a way to force our beliefs and traditions on the less fortunate.
Yeash, not everything we do is for business ventures.

personal, life

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