Title: Questions and understanding
Characters: Chase, Blades, Heatwave
Rating: K
T-Series: Rescue Bots
Summary: Chase decides the best way to absorb all the peculiarities of a culture are from the start. Not being tossed into a strange world without any outside assistance.
Prompt # 1 An unsolved mystery.
“I fear, I will never fully understand humans.” Chase spoke as if the fact was certain.
“Not true.” Blades countered. “With Cody’s help, we’ve learned alot about humans.”
“Yet there are some things that neither Cody, nor his library of research materials are capable of explaining.
Now curious, Boulder broke in. “Like what?”
“The birds and bee talk.” Chase used his fingers to air-quote the phrase. “Why do parents use an euphemism when telling curious children where babies come form - and how come ‘girls are full of sugar and spice, and everything nice’ while little boys are full of ‘frogs and snails, and puppy-dog tails’?” Chase started pacing in the lowest level of the three-story firehouse. “What would cause people to tell mistruths about babies being found in cabbage patches, or being brought by the stork? It makes no sense!”
Heatwave snorted. “Makes more sense than some of the movies and shows Blades watches.”
“Hey!” Blades cried out in mock injury. “I don’t like everything I see on television.”
“On that, we are agreed.” Chase stopped pacing as Chief Charlie Burn’s voice came through the speakers. “Fire downtown, on Main street, and Central Street.”
“Rescue Bots, roll out!” Heatwave ordered, already pulling up to the doors in fire-truck altmode so Kade Burns could hitch a ride.
Title: Hidden aspects
Characters: Blades, Dani Burns, Graham Burns,
Rating: K
T-Series: Rescue Bots
Summary: Interesting things are found during landscape altering events.
Prompt #2 Stripping Back the layers
“Rockslide!” From the air, Blades warned his team of the rapidly approaching danger.
“How big Dani?” Graham asked from Boulder’s cab. “Do we have time to grab the last car?”
“No!” Dani snapped out, watching as ancient trees were ripped out by the roots. “No time - get out of there now!”
Kade honked Heatwave’s horn. “Let’s go!” The oldest Burn child yelled.
Chase opened his doors, allowing the last three stranded citizens of Griffin Rock to climb inside before pealing out. Chase didn’t wait for Police Chief Charlie Burns to put his hands on the steering wheel either - hopefully; the panic-stricken residents wouldn’t notice the car driving itself.
“Least there’s not buildings or homes on this side of the mountain.” Boulder looked on the bright side as he ignored the curvy road in favor of taking a short cut out of the rockslide’s direct path.
Graham held onto his green hardhat and the seatbelt simultaneously. “Good thing too - looks like half the mountainside is falling into the ocean.”
“No, only the topmost layer.” Blades said from his relatively safe spot above the collapsing structure. “Hey, Dani, what are those bright colored strips?”
Blade’s pilot, Dani Burns, tore her eyes off the leading front and looked at the just-uncovered ground. “Is that gold?”
His chassis full of humans not-in-the-know, Chase kept silent.
“Shouldn’t be.” Graham answered. “Griffin Rock was never known as a prosperous mining site.”
“Well, something or someone had to create all those tunnels in and around the main city.” Boulder countered, treads digging into paved asphalt, having escaped the bulk of the rockslide.
“Well, whatever it is, it’s pretty.” Blades declared.
“Focus, Blades.” Kade snapped. “You can sight-see later - now, any other crashed cars?”
“You got the last of them just now.” Dani responded.
“Good job, team.” Charlie Burns broadcast over Chase’s radio. “Let’s get everyone home.”
Title: troubling evidence
Characters: Chase, Charlie Burns
Rating: K
T-Series: Rescue Bots
Summary: The hidden aspects of the past always come to the surface. Sometimes, its something no one knew was ignored. Many times, the questions raised have no answer.
Prompt #3 Setting: An archeological dig
“We can explore the top of the mountain later.”
“Chief.” Chase walked beside his much shorter human companion. “Are you not excited to find evidence of habitation predating Griffin Rock’s colonization?
“No, not really, Chase.” Charlie didn’t look back as he left the partially excavated pit.
Chase couldn’t organize his thoughts into a coherent question, so he settled for a simple, “Why?”
“Not that easy to answer.”
Behind them, Doc Greene, his daughter Frankie, and her best friend Cody eagerly examined the long-buried remains of a forgotten settlement.
Charlie stopped walking. “Why would our own history ignore the evidence of previous landings? Did they not know about that town - was it abandoned before the first recorded shipwreck? Or were the inhabitants killed so there would be no future fighting over land rights?”
Chase looked down, troubled by the accusations that could never be brushed aside. “Is all your history so filled with violence?”
“Not all - but too much of it is.”
Title: Timely provided information
Characters: Mayor Luskey
Rating: K+
T-Series: Rescue Bots, preseries
Summary: Mayor Jeff Luskey weighs the advantage of faster response time (and reduced need for multiple ambulances and paramedics), over the potential threat of an omnipresent electronic watchdog.
Prompt # 5 Surveillance Cameras.
“Mayor,” Mr. Douglas Hendricks stood up. “Are all these cameras really necessary?”
The Mayor of Griffin Rock sighed. “For the one-thousandth time!” There were only four hundred sixty-two people living on the island - “How can our emergency response crews respond to an emergency if they don’t know where to go, or what the danger is?”
Mrs. Kath Needelander raised her voice, refusing to wait for her turn to speak her concerns. “People can call - we all have phones. And there are smoke detectors, ammonia alarms, and similar electronic watchdogs everywhere already.”
Mayor Luskey raised his hands, settling the crows. “People, I know none of us like the idea of surveillance cameras everywhere, but this will give the emergency response teams information they need, as they need it, in order to save more lives and a reduced risk to their own.”
More uneasy muttering from the assembled adults.
“I promise, the cameras will only be on public property - your homes and private residences will not be invaded.” This was one concession Steve Alper had insisted upon, one Mayor Luskey was happy to include.
In the end, the newest safety features were added to the city’s infrastructure.
Title: Home coming
Characters: Frankie Greene, Cody Burns, Blades
Rating: K
T-Series: Rescue Bots
Summary: Telling a story is reliving the event. Frankie decides the good memories should be shared and retold.
Prompt #6 A character telling a character a story/fairy tale.
“Hey, Cody.” Frankie Greene slid down the fire pole form the second story to the basement. “Did I ever tell you how I met Aristotle and his brother Edison?”
“You mean those overgrown rats you call dogs?” Blades asked, hands waving around.
“They’re Doberman Pinschers,, not overgrown rats.” Cody laughed.
“Trust, me, having been shrunk smaller than a penny, any large sharp toothed creature looks like an overgrown rat.” The white helicopter stepped back, placing Heatwave between himself and the approaching girl.
“Relax Blades, I left the dogs at home.” Frankie turned to Cody. “So, did I?”
“No, I never heard the story.”
Frankie smiled. “My dad, I and mom were on the mainland, shopping for mundane tools and basic electronic equipment - things like screwdrivers, sledgehammers, wrenches, anvils, nuts, bolts, washers, screws, nails, wire, - when we passed by a pet store.”
Lost in memory, Frankie continued speaking. “Dad walked past, but mom stopped and looked in the windows. She said, ‘I always wanted a dog.’
“Dad turned around, noticed the puppies, and said, ‘Well, I can’t build you a robot dog at this time, but we could start out with a live specimen.’ He turned to me. ‘DNA of my heart, which one do you want?’
“Well, all of the puppies were cute, but none of them were the prefect one. We wandered through the entire store twice, before I told dad, ‘none of them - I like those though.’
“This pet store was right next to a SPCA adoption agency, ant the pair of puppies everyone avoided stared right at me, begging to come home with my family.
“Mom and dad walked up to the cage, picked up one each, looked and each other aid said ‘These are beautiful, - excellent choice Frankie’!”
Eyes that had closed during the retelling opened again. “And that’s how Aristotle and his brother Edison came to be my dogs.”
Heatwave slowly clapped his hands. “Nice story, Frankie. Now” He shut up after Chase roughly elbowed him.
“Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Frankie.” The police car said.
“You’re welcome.”