Title: Denial of fate
Characters: Sam Witwicky
Rating: K
Series: Bayverse
Summary: After Optimus death, Sam Witwicky cannot handle the pressure.
Prompt # 5 “I don’t want to change the world …”
“Why me?” Sam Witwicky shouted to the stars, headless of his doormats attempts to shush him. “What did I do to deserve this responisiblity?”
The stars did not answer - the clamour in his head that only he could hear did not change.
“I don’t want this!” Sam Screamed to the far-off lights, the distant voices that weren’t listening. “I can’t change who I am -
“So why should I help you?” Sliding doors slammed. “It’s your war, you figure it out - leave my planet alone.”
Sam slapped hands of roommates that drew too close.
“Why me? Go find someone else - someone willing to fight for a hopeless cause!” Sam slid to the ground, ignoring dirt, dust, blood, tears and energon droplets as he shared his anguish to the uncaring world.
Title: Low temp attacks.
Characters: Robert Epps, Ironhide
Rating: K
Series: Bayverse
Summary: Some weapons are just cool to fire - extreme weapons are cool to watch in action.
Prompt # 5 “ … I just want to leave it colder …”
Robert Epps whistled when he saw what happened to the target Ironhide had just blasted with his liquid nitrogen cannon.
“Nearly instantaneous exothermic reaction! Nice.”
The black-framed Autobot couldn’t shape his facial plates the same way humans could; nonetheless, he appeared to be frowning. “Fire is exothermic - liquid nitrogen is endothermic.” The weapon’s master corrected.
“Whatever - is it frozen solid?” Disregarding common sense, Robert Epps ran forward to the ice-covered obsolete war tank. He touched the cold treads, and then kicked it.
“Not throughout.” Ironhide vented. “Just frozen into immobility.”
Robert kicked the cold war machine again, harder. “It’s not shattering.”
Title: Pyromania - a cleansing fire.
Characters: Mikaela Banes
Rating: Teens
Series: Bayverse
Summary: “That was more satisfying than tearing letters and defacing pictures.
Prompt # 5 “… Light the fuse and burn it up! … ”
Mikaela Banes dragged a match head against the strike-surface of the box.
She held the lit match in her hand, watching the flame flicker down. When the tiny flame began to burn her fingers, she dropped it, then waited for it to finally flicker out.
Mikaela struck a second match. This time, she reached for the still unlit cotton-wick. It burst into flames readily.
In her minds eye, it wasn’t a scentless candle that was on fire - but everything of Sam’s.
Everything that had been touched by Sam - stuff he bought for her, things he owned, all the material goods and wealth that belonged to him, went up in smoke.
By the time the candle extinguished, Mikaela felt a lot better.
Title: Backseat Driving test
Characters: Will Lennox, Sarah Lennox
Rating: K
Series: Bayverse (premovie)
Summary: Going to a family reunion, in a strange city, is no easy task.
Prompt # 5 “… Take the path that leads to nowhere.” …
“Admit it, Will. You’re lost.”
“Can’t be. Look the map says we’re right here.”
“Will, I love you and all, but you have no idea, were we are.”
“Sarah, honey, I know exactly where we are.”
“Oh, and where might that be?”
“Somewhere we didn’t expect to be.”
“Will --”
“No, we don’t need to stop and ask for directions.
“Wasn’t going to say anything.”
“Sara, you know I love you, right?”
“Then just let me drive.” … “Honey, could you turn on the GPS?”
“It would be easier to call my dad to get directions.”
“When you’re the driver, you can stop and ask for directions - since I’m driving, just let me use the GPS, please?”