Anything but Song Lyrics Comment Ficathon

Sep 26, 2014 23:52

Since upupa_epops ended up afflicted with more hours of work, and I ended up being afflicted with spare time because I'm on a break, ficathon!

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*public, ficathon

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Comments 186

Questions? Comments? Gossip? rosaxx50 September 26 2014, 11:55:53 UTC
Leave them here!


Re: Questions? Comments? Gossip? magisterequitum September 26 2014, 20:26:29 UTC
You are so great for this!!!!

also i hope you are enjoying your break and using it for some necessary rest time!!


Re: Questions? Comments? Gossip? rosaxx50 September 26 2014, 20:27:44 UTC

I plan to! And I can work on the big end-of-year project I've been neglecting until now.


Re: Questions? Comments? Gossip? magisterequitum September 26 2014, 20:47:09 UTC
Good!!! That sounds awesome. I hope you have fun with it. ♥


Banners! rosaxx50 September 26 2014, 11:56:41 UTC
Leave them here!


Re: Banners! rosaxx50 September 26 2014, 14:26:19 UTC

... )


Inspiration rosaxx50 September 26 2014, 11:57:27 UTC
Re: Inspiration streussal September 26 2014, 21:47:26 UTC
Re: Inspiration lynzie914 September 26 2014, 23:23:21 UTC (it's off of tumblr but also its own site...idk how that works.) (because come on, this is LJ)

and i'm going to try going digging through my communities for my poetry comms.


Fills rosaxx50 September 26 2014, 12:03:44 UTC
Please reply with the title, rating, warnings and link to your fill. Characters, ships, prompts answered, summaries, etc are optional. Warnings and rating are not.


Re: Fills badboy_fangirl September 27 2014, 19:21:03 UTC
love the one you're with | R | Caroline/Stefan, Caroline/Tyler, (implied Caroline/Damon) | Spoilers/Warnings: Speculation for S6 / perhaps dubious consent? (it got a little away from me)


Re: Fills theviolonist September 28 2014, 00:11:06 UTC
renaissance is the way to go l pg-13 l katerina, katherine l Phoenix rising out of the ashes, Elijah had said, but Katherine has pragmatism stamped into her bones from a family with too many mouths to feed and not enough food to feed them, the dregs of old money leaving behind only the stiffness of respectability, hushed scandals and impeccable table manners.


Re: Fills lynzie914 September 28 2014, 23:34:48 UTC
faithless you and selfish me // tvd // caroline/jeremy // pg-13 //Death is death, Jeremy. And when people you love die, you feel it whether your veins are full of your blood or someone else’s. I would have thought you of all people would have understood that. All the people you have left, they’ve all died too.

(warnings for slight spoilers for random things I've seen/heard about S6, but put my own spin on it and none of it is very telling imo, though you may disagree, hence the warning. Also plenty of angst. Also, it got kind of long...)


upupa_epops September 26 2014, 20:21:29 UTC
The Hunger Games, The First Quarter Quell


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