Mar 23, 2008 20:15
This weekend really sucks.
When I got home from Spirit Squad practice on Thursday, Mom was waiting for me at the door. Apparently Raditch had called her and told her that I'd changed the lock on my locker, and that I'm supposed to "report to detention" every day after school for the next week. Which includes no Spirit Squad practices. What the hell. The squad needs me. You should have seen them flailing around on Friday, trying to learn Manny's new choreography. It was a joke, honestly.
On top of that, Mom has grounded me for two weeks. All I did was change the lock, how bad can that really be? Oh, and here's the best part. She wants me to apologise to Jane! She said what I did to her was "cruel." Um, excuse me? I should probably see a doctor about the nasty scratches she left on my stomach... I probably caught rabies. And Mom says I'm cruel?!
Whatever. I'm so not spending the next two weeks holed up in my bedroom. Manny, where are you?