"Go on buds, drink the suds, til you reach pure inebriation...."

Dec 09, 2007 22:15

So, anyway, how dense AM I?

Here I've been watching "Chuck" all season and thinking that the CIA guy looks familiar... and it only just hit me that that's because it's JANE! Jane from "Firefly"! Adam Baldwin (no relation to the other Baldwins, thank god!). Wow... I just looked him up in imdb to be sure, and he was born in Chicago... almost on my birthday... and he's only 2 years younger. Whooooot!!!! Damn, he aged well! *sigh* Too bad he's taken. I guess the suit and the clean-shaven look threw me off. Anyway - cool!

The quote in the subject is from someplace completely different - anybody recognize?

Also, I saw The Golden Compass and it was pretty good. Really well-made, but they didn't accompish the script-miracle that LOTR did; you could really feel the missing pieces. I'd read the book; I'm curious how others who hadn't read the book felt. The casting was excellent, though.

WTF - just saw an ad for Supernatural where Santa Claus... is a torturer?

p.s. Did they change LJ? I thought "View Friends Page" was under "Friends", but now it says "Filter Friends".

p.p.s. Yesterday was Dom's birthday and I forgot? Told you I was dense! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DOMINAC PATRICK BERNARD LUKE MONAGHAN!!!! (I'm sure I got that wrong!)

Finally, a really funny and creative version of the 12 Days of Christmas, from IU, which I saw posted by arevanye:

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