Oh, Stephenie Meyer, No!

Dec 25, 2008 00:21

So I just finished reading the epic spork of Twilight and associated novels by the_red_shoes. Incidentally, she's a really good writer.

Must just pimp link: http://the-red-shoes.livejournal.com/1477157.html and: http://yuletidetreasure.org/archive/68/chimesat.html

I am seriously displeased because SMeyer (who shall hence be known as S&M) got her greasy mitts all over my Will, Austen and Brontës. Plus she claims her characters speak to her. That's my line, dammit!

Ok, so mostly they complain, call me evil--

::You are::

I'm not that--

Freudian Poster Child merely points at the Evil Subtext of Doom.

::rolls eyes:: You do one little thing and suddenly you're Evil Incarnate.

FPC Looks at her while Little Miss Wisdom throws mirrorshards

--and do that.

It's just that the chapter I should be writing isn't all rainbow sparkles.

::Is anything you write?::

Uh, pass?

Really, we have a very healthy relationship.
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