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California travel guide so now i am back in claremont. and i have not updated in a bit. so let's see. the rest of the time in louisville was good, and then we began our trip. it went well, except for some entertaining failed camping experiences, lots of rain from st. louis halfway through wyoming, and so much driving. we basically made it across the country in 3 days, and then we slowed down. we spent last sunday night with david up in bellevue, which was really nice, as well as the first good nights sleep we had in a few days. monday we drove up to bellingham and took the ferry to orcas island, where we stayed two nights with bob in his rustic (and i mean rustic - outhouse and all) cabin in the woods. it was really neat. ben's sister who lives in bellingham spent the first night with us, and that was good. we hiked and ate deer. then we drove down the coast, slept one night on the ground in oregon, and arrived in good time at my aunts in san fransisco. we saw wicked the first night, which was awesome. friday we visited with his brother in berkeley which was cool, and saturday we basically did nothing. we left sunday morning and went to the mystery spot in santa cruz, which was a cool as i remember it being from when i was little, and continued on to morro bay, where we stayed at the inn at morro boy. i got us a room and we had dinner and did the hot ub and all. it was good. although ben's mind was more on moving into his room etc. so i don't think he enjoyed it as much as i was hoping he would. oh well. we got back here monday and have spent the time since moving him into his room at georgia court. well, he has done most of the moving, i have tried to keep out of his way.
i had a really good summer when i think of it. i'm glad i made the decision i did about working on cape cod and not in london. especially after what happened. and now i am actually glad to be back at school, although i'm not really looking forward to school and all the craziness that comes with it. ah well, it's the last year. oh god. now that's crazy. can't wait to see everyone, and hopefully that includes libs. i missed you all so much!
ah yes, the map above is an updated version of the one i posted last year. i have been more places. yay!