Money makes the world go round -right?

Oct 25, 2009 08:21

About one and a half chapters in.  And feeling for poor Moist, who is out of his head with boredom at the beginning of the book. "Hangigng only lasts a couple minutes. The pensions fund commitess lasts a lifetime." - It's that bad, you see. Needless to say Vetinari is his usual priceless self. He has gotten to the point where he does not need to tell  Moist what to do, just arrange it so that he would. I mean is he good or what!
Love love love to pieces the little section about dangerous questions.
And then we arrive at the Mint and meet Mister Bent. (Terry completly had me with Mister Bent, I kept reading to find out what  (this is the Discworld so the word stands) he was and fell on the floor when I found out :).  Ok if I wasn't from Ukraine the thing about the cost of coins would have been funny, but since I am I sware mine was a rather crooked smile.  Oh yeah while I am on the subject. 
el_oquent , this is  for you

"Nobby Nobbs, He shall Win. He is Ankh Morpork" -  "Yes" thought Vimes " Too much so porbably"

It is roughly ninety days till the  presidential election and I am playing with an idea of a fan fic in which  AM is trying to have its first democratic (for a given value of democracy ) election. I think of it as my way of voting  :)

"I take a keen interest in the criminal mind"- It was true. All you needed is a talent for introspection. -LOL:)

"a brief spell of thundery weather passed over the chief cashiers but he obediently  took a red leash from the hook" oh so good with the benefit of hindsight. A hmhmh and a dog :)

read-a- thon

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