Ok today is the Read- A- Thon, which basically means you stock up on books read for twenty four hours and blog about it. Two people on my F-list are doing it and the bookworm that I am I could not pass this buy. I am not officially sighned up and it is too late for me to even attempt to do anything like twenty four hours but I'll do a few hours for the spirit of the thing. Cheers to
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shanra 20:17Ok... here goes.
Reading Steven Hawking "Short history of time". The russian translation. With the goal of getting some inspiration for a sci-fi story I am writing. Eight pages in and already the mind boggles
" There was a point in time, when the universe was infinitely small and infinitely dense and normal laws of science did not apply. If there were any events before then as their consequences cannot ba observed they are negligeable" - Imagine THAT, imagine a time a before to which does not exist.
"Любая физическая теория всегда носит временный характер в том смысле, что является всего лишь гипотезой, которую нельзя доказать. Сколько бы раз ни констатировалось согласие теории с экспериментальными данными, нельзя быть уверенным в том, что в следующий раз эксперимент не войдет в противоречие с теорией." - бедные физики.
The beginning of the of the second chapter is basically a retelling of the old Newtonian physics, done so clearly and consisely that is worth any two hundred pages of any physics textbook (Типа Коршака - вот ведь вспомнила)