Jul 04, 2007 23:13
Just a quick post to reassure all of you (and myself!) that I am still here and well at BLFAC. Today was one of my longer shifts: 7:30 am to 11 pm, but a good day all in all. We had a camp carnival for the holiday, which meant I got to wear flannel pj pants with my uniform baby blue polo, hand out candy, and encourage kids to dance with me (and or to go to Europe). There is really something very special about this place, and I got goosebumps to see 1200 kids out in a field, dancing and jumping up and down to reach bubbles streaming out of a bubble machine...though it certainly doesn't sound poetic when I put it that way. Go with it :-)
Really, very little new. I will have Monday and Tuesday off, which is super exciting. There are 3 Latin American faculty members, all of whom have spoken Spanish with me and make my day when we can have conversations. Yesterday I made a trip into town (15 miles away!) to visit the public library and returned oh-so-happy. It was fantastic to run my hands along stacks again, to joke with librarians, and to return home with an armload of books. Hugs and miss you all, and hope your summers are also going well.