SO how does everyone like it? I hope you do cause I love it.
When I saw this icon
eternalphoenix_ had made for me when she was taking request the other day I totaly fliped out... I loved it... she made 3 total but this one is my fave.
I love the colors in the icon so much I went in search of a way to make a header to match... then thanks to
soulspring and this tut
{HERE}. I made the header and the icon I am using now. I did almost step and then added a light blue fill layer and set it to burn on 100% and that was it. I didn't do steps 7 and 8 cause I didn't like the way it came out on the icon... and I didn't add text cause I couldn't think of anything to put on it. :D
Here are a couple of more icons I made using the same tut and they are up for grabs.
[x]Credit is very nice!
[x]Don't hotlink! It's just wrong...
[x]Comment let me know what you think of my new layout and header... :D