The rust bucket chariot decided it needed a metal sail and set out to create one!

Jun 09, 2007 21:00

The rust bucket chariot's hood bitch slaped me on the freeway! It kinda flew up on me ... busted the moon roof glass. Nothing and no one was otherwise damaged though and no accident was caused. I am now sorta hoodless unfortunately.

Thank you f0rge for giving a much needed helping hand. Especially for helping me figure out how to get the hood home. We stomped it in half and fit it in the back seat. When I got home the hood was stomped back in to a sorta flat shape so it could cover the naked engine while parked.

On the plus side, my headlights can raise up on their own again ... so not a total loss.

When this happened and thereafter, I was laughing my ass off!

Today has been an interesting day.
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