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velvet_pirate November 17 2005, 19:00:18 UTC
Hi :)
I just read your reply to my sorting elite application, and while at first I was quite stricken by your answer, I saw your honesty and I like that.
I just feel I have to explain something to you, so please don't take anything personally I just have to say it:

I feel that neither [Percy and Narcissa] give anything to the books.

Hello? Did you even read the series? Percy is character that certainly has his meaning. I think he is a good example of a different kind of Gryffindor bravery from that of Harry and his friends. Percy is brave enough to make choices he deems to be right for him. Percy, to me, is a more human Gryffindor than what we see of Harry.

Yes I've read the series, unfortunately I haven't read it 100 times like many have, and college work is stocking up so I haven't been able to re-read much of late. I understand that my statement could come as slightly confusing, and I think I must have phrased it wrong because I really didn't mean anyone to view it that way at all. Of course he has a meaning, but I just don't like his personality - but to just put "I don't like him" is too short an answer, so I have to try and explain myself and embellish elsewhere.

Loathing? How can you hate a mother who wants to save her son?

I don't hate a mother who wants to save her son. That's admirable. I hate her attitude towards those who are different than her and don't fit into her way of life.

Narcissa Malfoy is not a bad woman - she has the same feelings and emotions as someone like Molly Weasley

Probably, but as I said - I hate her views of other people.

I was advised not to reply to you, but I thought I'd just try and put my point across in a better way seeing as though I can't alter my application. There's no hard feelings or anything and this isn't a way of attack, I just wanted to explain things better to you.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


rosacrouch November 17 2005, 19:09:02 UTC
Hey. I like it when people are brave enough to comment after a comment. I experienced it myself when I went through my process of sortage. It's a bitch to not be able to comment on other people's comments.

On the book-reading, I understand not everyone is such a freak that reads the series thousands of times. (I didn't.) But when you discussed Narcissa in the light of HBP the main issue that comes to my mind is her rescue of Draco.

And the character of Percy is being disliked by many applicants - which I understand. But I'm just one of those people that does appreciate him. He has a difficult position within his family, because he's the only one who's so serious as him.

As I said, your points are not invalid, but you didn't really use any arguments that made them valid - in my eyes.
Which is probably a pity, because you're not stupid. ^^ The explanation you give me would probably have been one you should have given in the application.

Anyhow. I like you. You shouldn't let the whole sorting thing bother you too much. If you haven't been around sorting communities and you start out with this one, I suppose there's a lot too learn.


velvet_pirate November 17 2005, 19:12:17 UTC
:) thanks, it's not my first but it's the best one. I'm an emotional mess lately and things ignite me more to act on them, so replying to you seemed the obvious thing to do :)

I realise looking back on it now that I should have said it better, but I looked back on it 50 times before i posted it! It's silly.

Thanks for the comment :)


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