Mar 14, 2004 21:28
well yesterday was a free day at the i decided i wanted to take my kid to the zoo..hey free when it costs bout 15 bucks for 3 ppl no bad..well the soo..sucked a lil..not all the animals were out yet bc it was still a lil too cold..and hell the penguins was not even out i was mad..i got some good pics of the animals and a pic of the kid on a golden turtle..well all that went fine..the boy got a stuffed was an otter he calls it Ottie...the otters wasnt even out..the roomie came with me his father and all..wellwe got to the goffers or the perrie dogs either or i forgot...all i know is he has been there before and got to go in the tunnle..well his father wasnt letten him go as fast as i would have liked and we started an argument of all was short lived though..well Teddy went in the tunnle then came back out..his father walked him back to the enterence and was holden his hand again..i got mad bc he wasnt letting Teddy in..well..we fussed again..well i was watchen the end he was suppose to come out of and there were many kids..i mean a lot..after a few we had stopped we didnt fuss long but his father came an sat next to me..bad move..after a bit..i got worried bc kids where forcen themselves in the out end and in the in end..i went over there bc none of the parents cared but i did..i told the kids to get out of the out in and go in the in end..well they did it..i kneeled down..looking for Teddy...well the kids came out and no Theodore..i was like where is he..? i started yelling his name..some kids asked me what he looks like and what he was waren..i was starten to freak and i said white shirt brown and black shows small buzzed hair..he was waren a grey shirt..but i was scared...his father went in the in end and climbed through after the kids said he wasnt there..he came out and he wasnt in there..oh man..i started cryn..his father started running around the place looking for him...he found someone with a walkie talkie that worked there..told him what happend..called me over and they asked me what he wore..i was still freaken..i said white shirt brown black zipp up shoes pants buzzed hair so high (showed them) his name is Theodore we call him Teddy...the guy said you stay here ma'me we will look..he is the 20th kid and we havent lost one today..we found them all...ya okay like that is going to make me happy...? hello i was cryen i was freaking..i mean that made me feel like i was a terrible mother...well we had met some woman before we went to the golpher place and her husband saw Teddy before he ran off so he knew what he looked he started running to find him some lil girls who where about 10 who was helpen by looking in the tunnle asked me what he was that time i remembered he had on kackie pants..they ran looking too..20 mins passed and here i am cryen my eyes out with my head on some lady i still dont know her name..she comphert me and some other moms tried to calm me grateful for that..but hell..i just lost my kid i dont want to hear about what they went through when they lost their kids..lmao..i was no doing well..hell he was lost..i can deal with him hurting himself i know what to do..but him not being there...god i was very very very scared..but he was out looking at the camels..they was not too far away thank god but the lil girl who was 10 said that someone asked her if she lost a lil boy and she was like no i didnt but i was looking for one..they called up on the walkies and asked if he had cookie monster on his shirt i was like yes..they are like we are comming with him..and i took them 3 mins but it felt like forever..i was still cryn..and his father came back and waited when he saw the ppl with him he ran up grabbed him and was huggen on him so tight with tears in his eyes..oh man i was so scared and i still cry about it...(sniffles) and that lil boy wanted back in the tunnle..well no kids where around so we let him in and watched him than that he had fun i had fun..till then...i dont want that to ever happen again...