God, this is comment to fairy_tale_echo's wonderful Oscar Meta&Discussion

Feb 23, 2011 00:23

Hi, I think the TSKs in the paragraph about the technical categories should be TKS?

And I feel terrible that this’s gonna be long ‘cause I am totally psyched about the Oscar this year, which is sort of rare for me. The major reason is dfnly I so hope TSN and Jesse could win.

I am so pleased and grateful that you’ve written such a long piece for us to discuss, and mostly I can’t agree with you more.

1 Not about The King’s Speech

1)       I was very like you when I finished watching TKS. The whole cast was amazing, and Colin Firth would be nominated or even win a lot of trophies I thought. But quite similarly, I didn’t fall in love with this movie at all. I was just subconsciously comparing it with TSN, which I had seen earlier. TSN was great, mind-blowing and OMG-ish exhilarating to me. And TKS was very good, sweet and nomination-worthy.

2)       Then, I 100% agree with you here “You can love The King’s Speech more, of course, but you can’t cinematically defend it as a superior example of craft.  You just can’t. ”

2 How

“And I could talk for days about how the main theory “TKS is an ‘Oscar’ movie because it makes you feel and TSN isn’t because it makes you think” is utter horseshit - not because TKS doesn’t make you feel, not because “feel-ing” movies don’t have an edge but because TSN makes you FEEL, GOD-DAMN IT!  (“Tell me this isn’t about me getting into the Phoenix.”) And if you don’t understand that and want to come into the argument with only “TSN is smart and TSK is heart” then you didn’t understand either movie enough to be critically discussing them.”

Can you imagine how many times I’ve wanted to shout out “Come on! Why can’t you just let go of all the bias of yours against a stereotype geek/asshole (pretty much judged by the fact that he’s not even 30 and has made himself a billionaire) and try to feel ?”, when I read comments and reviews denying Mark’s capability of having emotions. A lot.

3 Do we?

1)         I just got a theory that maybe the cinema editors are very technical and creative and sort of like geeks so they can relate to the character Mark better? Kinda silly.

2)         I didn’t know Sasha Stone before. But this is totally not helpful “…she's real smug about how liking TSN makes you, like, a genius.  Ugh, Sasha.” Except for once Andrew said like not mind audience using their brains, no one among the making team ever pointed out the smartness in the theme instead of friendship, love, humanity etc.

3)       “The real worry here is that TSN will come away with nothing other than Sorkin’s screenplay win and even that would be shaky if he wasn’t in adapted.”  True! I can even see that they might give all credits to Sorkin for the wonderful story, the fascinating pace and all in-character performances which should go to Fincher a hell of a lot so that they could feel good and keep their conscience intact to give the BD to someone else, probably Hooper. I agree that his direction of TKS was a masterpiece, too. IDK. “I don’t want to call Best Director, too heartbreaking for me, but … it’s the one shot we have left. ” *Holding your hands here*

4 Jesse and Andrew

I love them both too much. But I just don’t worry about them as much as about TSN’s getting properly appreciated. The result that Andrew lost the BSA to Rush in the country of their both’s is anything but a shame, also it’s exactly like Jesse should take it like “the nomination is his award” for the Oscar.

Andrew is young and not a super-star yet. He has got Sony rooted for him. He won a BAFTA when he was younger, beating Tom Hardy! He’s gonna be spider-man! He is sweet and I feel Fincher likes him a lot. I am not worried about him, and I just hope he keeps a high bar when choosing films and keeps learning. Also, about TSN, you mentioned this “Part of it was that he really did have just enough vote splitting with Timberlake and Hammer.  It was tiny, but their superb supporting work hurt him some. ” which was so nice. TSN is a collective success, and that makes me need it to win!

And about Jesse, I am speechless. I LOVE him, in every possible way.

Sharing the same grounds with you, I think of a dilemma. A super-talented young actor nominated for presenting a perfect character once and a well-known, also talented but more experienced actor who gets nominated ( won once or never before) for a equally great performance living up to all his admiration, then which one deserves to win? Simply I give them each 50 points, and here comes the other score-the Oscar-likeability. Some kinds of acting just don’t get the Academy. It is reactive acting, as my best movie friend says.  The Academy doesn’t recognize that.  They recognize extroverted acting. That’s not what Jesse does here.  *sad face* And thumb up about all your defending him. And your point of nomination=leverage just hurt, but absolutely not in a bad way. We should know it! (I also feel like Sony has its eye on him too. ‘Zombieland’ was distributed by Columbia. It matters? )

I basically watched all interviews with Jesse after he finished the TSN shooting. DP/30, some red-carpet ones and a couple of days ag the Morning show, the characters with virginity, awkward woman-skills (sorry for the word, if that’s not appropriate) he played have been constantly brought up or implied. Jesse also made jokes about that in his monologue on SNL. His reactions have been smart and generous and funny, but bitter-sweetly I have to stick to the belief that soon he will get what he deserves, all sparkling, gorgeous and recognized for successes in playing all kinds of characters.

5. Does any of this even matter?

It will be too pompous for me to comment on this. Some films I haven’t watched.

So, that's it. I feel confident for Sorkin, very hopeful for Fincher and no matter what I still love you Jesse and Andrew.
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