My 'morning writing time' has been taken up with a 'Horror Haiku' challenge this week.
More here. I'm not sure what I produced really counts as horror but it features a vampire, so I'm going to send it in. Watch this space...
My 'evening writing time' has been spent on NaNo planning, which is coming along really well. Too well...? I need to finish expanding the one pager to a four pager (it might not make four pages but it will be expanded) and then I can spend the rest of the month writing detailed character sheets. I am SO on top of this! Either this means that what I produce as a first draft will be closer to what was the fourth draft for Mannerley... OR I'll get a week in and abandon it in disgust.
And I got my own copy of 'Spark'. I should probably sign it, then it'll be worth something in a hundred years!
Watched the very first episode of DS9 last night. Lovefilm only have it on DVD and I really did see a difference in quality between that and the Blu-rays I've been watching TNG on. Anyway, a chance to fall in love with these characters all over again.
Kingsglaive will be sent out at the end of October. Amazon tried to persuade me to buy it but I know I won't watch it enough to justify spending £10 on it. I think I watched Advent's Children about three times, tops.
And the process of handing me over to my new line manager has begun! I am very much looking forward to working with the new person. He seems to appreciate ME and definitely understands the work I do. But, with an eye to the Tao stuff below, we won't get TOO excited!
Just time for some Tao...
Don't be a slave to possessions, the need for praise, or the fear of blame. The last one is actually the one I struggle with most. I hate being told I've done something 'wrong'.
One of our attitudes at St Bride's is that everything we do is an experiment. If it works, great - if it doesn't, no biggy. I can treat my own work, writing, truth-seeking, etc as an experiment, but if other people see it as 'wrong' or 'failed', that can still bring me down. I will make more of an effort to treat everything as an experiment and to ignore negative comments about it!
I also realise that I am still overly attached to praise. I don't expect praise as my right the way I once did, but I do still want it and enjoy it when I get it.
There's a line in the poem 'If' by Rudyard Kipling:
'If you can treat with triumph and disaster
'And treat those two imposters just the same'
I'm better at this... But there's always room for improvement, right?