Well, this week promises not to be the best of my life so far.
Today, the husband finally has his appointment at the doctors. The outcome will decide his future as far as his job goes, although I know he really wants to give it up. And I will support him in that, of course.
Wednesday there's a big thing on at work that will probably be exhausting.
And Thursday is the funeral. I'm willing to lay odds that someone will fight with someone over who treated Lynn 'best' or 'worst' or who never darkened her door while she was alive. As long as my kids aren't involved...
In the 'good news' category, I got another chapter done for
'Holding', yesterday. It's on 27 chapters - I'm going to try to get it to 30 without too much stretching. And then it will be done and another 'to do' will be ticked off.
Well, there's still Morning Prayer to do today, so I'd probably better get on with washing and dressing...