Feb 13, 2016 13:28
Pretty slow week, this week. Did manage to set up a project plan for my 'fun' colleague, which will hopefully help everyone keep on track with the comms.
Did a two day training course on Coaching and Mentoring. Mostly to give me better questioning skills when I'm out and about. Managed to make a 'gentleperson's agreement' with a colleague that he'll pass me some BA work.
Also made a plan for moving forward with Mannerley. I'm going to make notes when I find something that I think needs changing, in particular when it affects the continuity. Rather than trying to remember or make notes in the MS, I'm keeping a spreadsheet.
Had a go at thinking through some of the suggestions from 'Mr Portfolio' but without a) a portfolio and b) a team to work with, I didn't really get very far.
The husband and I did have a bit of a collective lightbulb moment. He spends most of the day alone, so when I get home he's ready for company. I spend most of the day with other people, so when I get home I'm ready to be alone. I'm working on saving my 'alone' time for later in the evening, but my instinct is to take a break and then come back to the family. But when there's football on, I can 'escape' a bit earlier.
I'm also working on my 'life laundry' for Lent by either doing a few minutes cleaning or sorting, or putting some stuff on ebay (which I'm going to do next).
As ever, slow time at work generally means busy time at home. Balance is good!
OK, that's all for now. Bye LJ.
slow work busy home,