Nearly Friday

May 22, 2008 20:56

I'm feeling particularly bouncy, this evening. One of the promised 'opportunities' has come my way at work. No extra money, yet, but it will definitely raise my profile. It is shiny, and I said, 'yes' without a moment's hesitation.

I've also managed to talk myself into doing a series of discussions in church looking at the recent 'Human Fertility and Embryology' legislation. The four main areas were:

* reducing the abortion limit from 24 weeks (a good idea)
* creating hybrid animal-human embryoes for stem cell research (a bad idea)
* allowing IVF for single women and lesbian couples without the requirement of a 'father figure' (a bad idea)
* allowing doctors to select 'saviour sibling' embryoes (a bad idea - sort of)

Can you see where this is going? That's right, Parliament voted the wrong way on every single one. Talk about eroding respect for life! I may rant about this further in a separate thread. You have been warned...

Anyway, I was so passionate and eloquent about it that Jonathon suggested I do the series. It's not 'til July, but there's so much work I want to put into it.

I also have to complete my application for my Masters degree, and write 6 more essays for the foundation course.

Oh, and there's the garden to plan out, the Selphie/Irvine angst fic I'm supposed to be writing, and the collaborative project I'm working on with DM.

So, yeah - I'm pretty busy :D

new challenges, work, foundation course, caravaners, ma, busy-ness, life ethics, church, fanfic, garden

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