Feb 29, 2008 19:53
So, my week off work is almost over. I managed to accomplish everything I set out to do. Go me! *sets off fireworks*
Today is something of a special day, since 29 Feb happens only once every 4 years. Traditionally, women can ask men to marry them on this day. However, I'm going to have a little chat to my Deamon since I haven't spoken to her in a very long time. I shall post the results at some point in the future.
In FF8 news, I have managed to defeat the Tonberry King and can now Haggle, Sell-High and Call Shop after chopping up those pesky Cactuars who were kind enough to give 20AP each. I'm now in Winhill to reassemble the Mayor's vase, with plans to visit Timber, Dollet and Deling in the near future.
I've had a multi-chapter fanfic kicking around in my brain for ages, now, but I just can't find the time to sit down with it. If I do end up doing this Masters, it might never get written at all. Or, the discipline of studying properly will enable me to build in some space for non-studying writing. Yeah, right!
When I've trampled Ulti into dust, I'm going to replay FF12 with a walkthrough and post daily updates on MySpace. One day, I might even get to grips with my Balthier / Fran erotica ;)
Well, that's all for now. Toodles, LJ.
29 feb,
time off