Finally finished
Iris mainly so that I could get Mr S to read it ;) Please feel free to C&C.
Not much going on, otherwise, really.
Billy only has a couple more exams, and then he's finished school for good. I can't believe it. Time may be a 'wibbly wobbly ball of timey whimey stuff', but it still doesn't seem 5 years since he started senior school. I've said I'll leave him be for a couple of weeks, but as soon as I have my first day off in the summer we're going straight to Connexions.
I met Liz Collison, last night. She's agreed to be my 'spiritual director', except that's not a term either of us would necessarily choose. Really, I think she's going to be there when I need someone to chat to. Guy has made it clear that, whilst he was happy to fill in until I found someone, he doesn't see that as his long-term role.
I think things are going to get really exciting at St Bride's in the autumn. Johnathon Clatworthy is going to join us to relaunch our discussions, and, hopefully, help us attract a student presence - but of a more thoughtful type than those attracted to the happy-clappy stuff at St James'. He, Guy, and I will then form a proper 'worship team' *grins*
I really need to get to grips with my subject matter for this Sunday. Guy said he thinks I'm doing well, but I feel I'm just letting people see how disorganised my brain really is. It comes of having a whole-brain - I can see the bigger picture in most situations, but I can never make a decision, and always end up sitting on the fence because I can see both sides in any argument. But sermons need to have a point, for crying out loud!!! Anyway, this week I'm just going to do the standard service, and use the published prayers - and concentrate on giving a coherent talk.
I will not miss that aspect of leading a service - although it is something I'll need to come back to at some point, whatever path I take. I really enjoy liturgy and choosing hymns, and prayer-writing. It will be nice to concentrate on those things.
In FF12, I've met Cid properly - he's such a meanie in this game! - and another Cockatrice *giggles* I've also taken on a shed-load more hunts. I need to complete a few more, and now might be a good time before I move on with the story.
Well, that's all for now. I really need to sleep.
Night, LJ!