Jun 27, 2014 20:52
Second day of conference and I've barely managed to talk to anyone. It's not even that nobody ever speaks to me. They say hi and ask me something, but before I can answer they're not listening any more. Whenever I try to join a conversation, everyone just stops talking and wanders off in different directions. Or they just don't notice me at all. And I don't know what to do.
I really suck at this.
Sometimes I have no trouble talking to strangers (Although for some reason we never end up staying in touch afterwards). But there are times, even when I'm among friends, when I just stand in the corner and feel like I don't belong. If I was at a party, if the whole party was for me and if I knew that I deserve it, I would still feel like I wasn't invited.
Right now I kinda feel like skipping the rest of the conference, but my talk is tomorrow. Not that anyone wants to hear it or anything. They'll just spend 20 minutes wondering why nothing is happening and where the speaker is.
just me being weird