Johnny take my money

Aug 26, 2014 20:49

Alternative title: why Kanjani's Jyussai concerts should be released on DVD, like, now.

They stayed true to the pamphlet and went on stage with these outfits

Yes, this is an important reason.

It's the concert for their 10th anniversary ;_; And I'm sure the whole thing was really emotional ;_; And I'll cry ;_;
Look who also cried


Usual PDA, mostly by the courtesy of Yasuda. Thank you, sunflower

Quality outfits


A WHOLE CONCERT of Scandinavian Yuuchin. I repeat, A WHOLE CONCERT.

Yes, at first it was strange seeing him with this hair color, but after like two minutes I realized. I realized that he was the most stunning creature on e
Earth. HE LOOKED SO GOOD. (here my Scandinavian Yuuchin tag. See it yourself. He's beautiful.)
THEN at the last concert he was black again AND STILL STUNNING.

Ready for more beauty? Because Subaru had short hair for all the dates and yes, I'm the biggest fan of his long, beautiful hair, but HOW CAN I SAY NO TO THIS

The beauty that can't be ruined. Or denied. I think we all need a concert with him looking like that.
This is important too.


Look at them they are ridiculous humans.

I don't know what are they doing here, but it seems deep and touching and very artistic

They did a Johnny's tribute, singing songs of every JE group :') Even if it's their concert for their anniversary, they sang senpais and kouhais' songs :')

Of. Course.
I bet it was Yoko's idea. Feeling like an Arashi member, even if for few minutes. That idiot. Also, those outfits are legend.
Look at them singing A.Ra.Shi :')

image Click to view

Aaaand they did a beautiful thing (I wanted Arashi to do the same at Arafes but, of course, they didn't)
They switched their solos/unit songs \o/

Tiny Singers did Kicyu T_T

Sunflower and Giant Fucker did PanPanda T______T

And here is where I die. YOKOHINA DID TORN. The Slutty Otp song. U g h.
(I'd watch the performance on mute, though. Just to be sure)

I saw pics of Maru with a guitar, so I think he did Yasu's Watashi Kagami, but I'm not sure? I haven't read anything.

Let's end it with some pretty

Anyway, it must have been beautiful, and I really hope there will be a DVD.
And an album/tour have been announced for this late fall... with a new record label. Yup. (wait, 3-4 more singles by the end of the year too)
I guess it's too soon to talk, but while on one hand this might be a way for them to be more 'indipendent', musically speaking, it could also go all wrong. And Teichiku was a great label. All those DVD extras... They were worth my money, definitely.
I also think they're going to release a bit too much, this year. This year they've already released 4 singles and a DVD, and they're planning 4 more singles and an album. It all seems too much, and it's like Arashi all over again. Kanjani are not as popular as them, but they're getting there, slowly; this anniversary event was successfull, they're selling a lot, doing dramas, movies and tv shows... it's like Johnny has found another cow to milk.
I hope I'm wrong, I hope that, even if this 'new label' thing is a huge risk, everything will turn out well :)
I hope to see Yokohina performing TORN in HD.

people: nishikido ryo, people: yokoyama you, fandom: takoyaki in my ♥, music: kanjani8, people: maruyama ryuhei, people: shibutani subaru, pair: yokohina, people: yasuda shota, people: murakami shingo, people: ohkura tadayoshi

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