So, I've spent the previous week in the usual place, like I do every single summer ( >:/ ). I went to the beach and didn't get tanned (as always) and got in little fights with parents (as always). And there was no internet, and when I got back home I discovered I've been away for, like, the most eventful week of the last months o.o
Random things I missed
-something like 7-8 Growl performances. But I watched them without many problems, because, I mean, it's Growl and I'll probably never get tired of it. Do you like boys in uniforms doing a really cool dance routine?
We have it. Do you prefer close ups and bdsm waiter uniforms?
We have that too. Do you prefer practice videos with regular clothes? Guess what,
we have that. Or you just like live performances? Well, we have a ton of them. (and they won 2 times awwww)
-a lot of BAP performances, but I still haven't watched them all, because Badman still hasn't grown on me tbh. It's not bad, but it's nothing compared to their previous songs, especially compared to One Shot, wich was perfect. I'm glad they're back though. Oh and Zelo is a
cherub again. And Yongguk still keeps
doing aegyo ♥
-EXO at
Weekly Idol (highlights: the dance battle,
Laysoo's explosion and
Kyungsoo's general existence)
-Daehyun actually has
abs-Laysoo happening not
once, not
twice but
thrice! (and no, I don't want to talk about the last one)
-Kyungsoo still doing that eyebrow shit
D:-EXO at Sukira, wich includes:
Luhan with a boner after that,
Krisoo happening,
Krisoo happening again,
Krisoo nearly kissing each others,
maknaes being dumb-Have I already said
-Tao being a thought man inside
the shower feat. his fave Ge
-Kanjani8 being stupid dancing with
Aladdin The good thing is that I managed to finish writing my two first exo fics. FINALLY. A really short Xiuhan and a Krisoo. I think I need a beta though, I don't trust my grammar skills >.>
(I have an idea for a monstruous TaoHun but I don't know when I'll be able to start it. Or start/finish the other fics)
Oh and Johnny's web is now in English too?? On one hand it's a pretty nice thing. On the other one, now, for being able to read the jwebs, I have to pay. I have to pay like 300 yen per month to read the shit those idiots say. And I still haven't decided if I want to or not O_O
Johnny, I already give you so much of my money...