Jan 18, 2008 05:59
For a while now David's been reaching for things and holding them for more than just a few seconds, but his coordination isn't all that great. Yesterday I caught him waving his pacifier around, frowning in concentration, trying to get it into his mouth and repeatedly just barely missing. He's been in a bad mood for a few days, probably not unrelated to my work schedule, and yesterday afternoon while he was fussing I put in a CD that I played a lot last summer, but haven't recently. David relaxed, and listened -- very still, but eyes open, apparently enjoying it. I wonder if he remembered it? He doesn't usually react that strongly to music. Maybe he just shares my tastes.
I keep trying to type "today" and "this afternoon" because I haven't been asleep since then. I hate the midnight shift. Yeah, I know, not too long ago I was so pleased because I wasn't going to have to work any more nights or weekends... Budget cuts. Blech. I'm just so glad Michael's doing such a good job of taking care of David while I'm gone.